Monday, August 07, 2006

Toilet woes

Suria comes to me and says there's something stuck in the lubang tandas.

Uh-oh, that cant be good.
First question i ask, "which one, yours(squating) or mine (seated)?"

Me being curious went to check it out. Thankfully, twasn't so bad. I expected all kinds of floating things or submarines .

Turns out someone had dropped their handwash bottle into the hole and was so extremely kind as to leave it in there.

Upon closer inspection, (obviously zoomed in inspection by camera, not self)

Its a Safi!

Just hope no one uses that cubicle to do any big business, or the cleaners aren't gonna be too happy when they do their rounds tomorrow...

Reminds me of the time i was desperately bursting to go to the loo after several hours at Maybank Nasi Lemak and one teh-ais too many. My friends and i ran to the nearest petrol station toilet and there was a large, floating submarine, that even after flushing still wouldn't go away! (cant recall who was brave enough to flush it for me) Know what the monkey guys said?

"Go only lar, just dont look down..."


Anonymous said...

You know...During WW2, submarines were used as maritime scouts...that one was probably a herald for more to come...

imissw said...

oh c'mon. post something else. i dun wan a toilet in my face each time i view yr blog!

queen shelby said...

NO connection la...
