Thursday, August 10, 2006

stu·pid·i·ty (stū-pĭd'ĭ-tē)

1. behaviour that shows a lack of thought or poor judgement
2. state or quality of being slow to learn and not clever or intelligent

Examples of stupidity:

1. Machine vs Human
When i came back this sem, i noticed they've put up a palang (automatic barrier) but only on one side of the road. All this is in line with the uni trying to tighten security and prevent rape/theft/murder or whatever they imagine might happen la. The palang is supposed to work like this; student places the matrix card on the scanning area - the palang goes up - student goes in. So simple. Means the guards dont have to sit at the gate and check each car/motorbike that goes through. Right?

Of course not. Now there's double check point, which is so dumb. When a car drives in, first it gets stopped by guards, and only if it has a USM sticker can it enter. So the initial check is still done by the guards! Before procedding to the palang...*roll eyes* So whats the freaking point of the palang? Not only that, the hostel cafe workers dont have student cards, so although they are waved in, they still get stuck at the palang till the guard comes and opens it. Even better the internal hostel bus that goes round and round, also has to pass the palang...who opens it? The guards! So... you've got the automatic palang thats got a guard beside it practically 24/7.

2. Potential Rapists
As stated above, this was done to decrease chance of bad things happening. Now guy students/drivers aren't alowwed into the hostel to even drop their passenger off. Nor be seen hanging around for too long near the girls block. Why? Because being a guy, naturally he's a rapist. So to protect the Lillies and Roses of USM, keep them bad boys away as much as possible.

The irony is, the Telekom, washing machine and repairmen are all men! They have access to the female hostels, no questions asked...!Like today, i was walking to the pantry room, wearing what some might call menjolok mata (all girls mar, so who cares...) and was not expecting to bump into the public phone men collecting coins from the phone. *awkward moment* These are the people that have a higher chance of doing all sorts of nonsense, not the kind gentlemen that are just trying to drop off their passengers to avoid them having to make a 10 minute walk up the hill.


**Report from friend (yet to been seen with own eyes) : The palang has been hit, is wounded badly (bengkok teruk) and cant be used. Muahahaha...I bet the bus did it...**


Anonymous said...

Wow, the drop bar has been hit? That's really news. Someone must have been so in a hurry he/she forgot to check the bar.

I will never understand why they place the drop bar in the first place. If the guards are still going to be the 'first line of defence', then they might as well do away with the drop bar. In the event of a long queue, what do you think's gonna happen?

Hasten said...

Once, I was driving in to USM from the stadium gate. The palang was up. Probably because they didn't want to cause a jam during rush hour.

Just as I was driving in through the gate, the guards suddenly decided to put the palang down. The palang came down right on top of my car and BANG!!

Well, good thing I drive a Ford Laser. The palang sure sakit wan. Must apologize to the palang.

queen shelby said...

There's 2palangs in RST, one for going in (and now they've made it a one-way-system so you gotta go all the way around to get out) and one for going out. The going palang is crooked and always up now.
Today in the bus, there was a traffic jam at the palang. 3cars and 2motorbikes, 1 had a problem i think so the bus had to just wait while it was sorted out. GAH!

Josh: The guards just dont like you la... Accept it.

Anonymous said...

Um...the reason for the palang AND the guards is normal. Geez. Don't you notice that this is common practice to anywhere important? Think condos, apartments, etc. I mean just the palang alone is pretty vulnerable...esp to stupid drivers or criminals. Just having guards alone means that people can just speed through and 'pretend' to not notice the guards (like I used to do at the Sg. Dua Gate). Having both is good what. Your uni fees are getting 2 for the price of 1 under the category security...unless it says Guard: RM25, Palang: RM35 (kinda sad cuz the palang seems worth more haha). Besides, if people are gonna bang into something, I think its preferable to bang the palang instead of taking off the guard's legs.

I'm a guy so I=rapist?!? I really oughta turn myself in. And wow...I never realised that USM is the best place to commit this type of crime against womenkind...what better place to commit rape than a place/hostel block where there are like 354people to one square foot of land (sometimes stacked upwards in the case of hostels). I mean, nobody will notice...(unless you're a dimwit that likes to go jogging at 3am alone or something like that).

So what were you wearing when you gave the phone dude an eyeful? Haha. The dude probably comes to clear the phone every day now in hopes to get seconds...

Kevin said...

oh boy oh boy...redundant is the word, isn't it? offence but try taking a look at the title of the entry. Man...need I say more?

That's pure stupidity. One more stupid thing the guard always do is them being inconsistent when checking for the car stickers. If you have driven long enough you should know that around one hour after lunch and one hour before dinner..that's the time when you can drive ANYTHING in, and they don't even bother to look at you. Same with all those lunch,dinner times. You notice they are extremely strict on mornings. Some nights are strict, some are not at all! Isn't that ridiculous?

IF they wanna be strict, do it 24-7 or as long as the gate's open, and I will salute them. If not...blah!

Anonymous said...

This is one damn funny post, Queen. All hail the Queen! :D

Josh - that's a hilarious story.

Gotta agree. The palang is really a dumb idea lah.