Tuesday, August 29, 2006

i miss you...

Last night i said goodbye to Hui Zhi.

She left for the UK, her final year of study. But she says if she can, she wont come back. I'll miss her. The old high school friend that, no matter after how many months of not meeting up, its still totally alright when we do. I can just be me, without starting from scratch as i have been with many people of late. No questions, just conversation. She understands me, and i understand her. Sigh. Dunno why so emo about it, not like its the first friend that's flown off. Maybe cause of the 4members our old Saturday Taman Zaaba Badminton/Breakfast Gang, i'm the only one left. Thankfully i managed to spend the last few hours before she left with her. Sharing Secret Recipe cake. Getting gossip updates. Asking for advice. Helping her pack last minute things. Searching for the keys to the lock on her bag that she fastened less than an hour beforehand. Hunting for her KDU Transcript which was lost forever. In those short hours that sped by, i regreted not spending more time with her during the other holidays i've had. Regrets are pointless though. Pointless. Which is why its fine to cry to sleep instead- cause there's nothing else you can do, really. *shrugs*

My take on friends? Cant find the same kind of friends now as the ones you had back in school. Maybe this mentality is holding me back from actually forming that sorta friendship, but... i dunno. Uni can be pretty sad, without the kinda friend that you know will always be there. Call you for lunch. Walk with you to class. I mean, i go for lecture and after it everyone zooms off in all directions. *poof!* Gone. Li Yee is always the other end of the world. Chris has his own life. Besides Suria, i dunno if i've actually made any proper friends. Not just the lepak lepak- haha kind, but ones that, i'll actually miss when apart. Even in PKA, i cant claim to have created any strong bonds. Okay-okay got la, but thats about it.

Tonight someone told me "i bet you dont want your week to end, but i just cant wait till this week is over." There was a reason behind that statement, something totally understandable and completely acceptable. However, hearing that, I felt like a balloon that has a small hole in it, and all my energy, excitement and joy just got squeezed outta that hole until its a deflated pile wilth traces of the smiley face still visible, but not as it was before. Or maybe the hole is my imagination, and the balloon is still balloon-like. Again, its just my mind playing tricks on me, evil thing. Will it result in waterworks? i hope not. It shouldnt. Its nothing. But i know when i talk to God about it, i probably will.

i think i'll go watch tv for now.


Anonymous said...


i know how u feel. been crying on a daily basis...

it gets easier with time. but do we want it to get easier? cuz tht means we dun miss them so much anymore...


lemme just go and cry. let the tears fall.... downwards, of course!

~the one who is still refusing to leave a comment~

Anonymous said...

*Raises hand and hops on one foot*

Ooh, Ooh, I'LL be your friend, Shelby.

*TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Only thing is I can't play bandminton, can't walk you to class and don't have time for breakkie...but everything else is fair game.

Anonymous said...

Friend huh? ahjef... I could already imagine how he's like! A geek that loves stalkin' up people's blog, pretending he know everybody ages ago... sigh... =p now who's the pervert lame-o?

Anonymous said...

You do know me now eh? I guess you're all macho hiding behind anonymity...sad to say your imagination is lacking. No point insulting your mental capacity or lack of wit as it is in bad taste to do it online... I don't claim to know you so don't claim to know me. I seriously doubt I will get to know you either. Nothing I said has warranted being called a perv...more than I can say about your comment so stop cryin over spilt milk and get a new box. Cool down. It wasn't serious. Just an opinion about that ONE comment you made that WAS in bad taste (re-read it. even Shelby apologised for it for some reason). Unless ALL your comments are like that I got no real beef with you so if you wanna start something...don't bother. This never happened and lets not speak of it? Kapiche? Sorry if it stings.

BTW I DO know Shelby. If you can read she addresses me by name. I'm not some anonymous freak. I know at least 5+ ppl who comment here and even more who are blogged about so don't call me a stalker. How about giving us YOUR name?

Anonymous said...

haAHhaHAhH to the comments... but not the blog... i hate that feeling too! yucks... hate to walk that long road home... and the long road to class.. all by myself.. especially late nights! :(