Friday, October 28, 2011

To Poke or not to Poke...

Facebook. It's a love/hate thing for me obviously. Sometimes I think it's more hassle than it's worth.

People wonder why I don't add people on Fb, in fact it's quite annoying how many people expect that I HAVE to add them just because they think I must.

No one really cares that the reason why I was forced into getting FB in the first place was so family and close friends could know what I'm up to here in Scotland, and it was an easy place to upload pictures for them to see. That is and has always been my primary reason for having FB.

I like my privacy. I don't like the idea of a person who doesn't speak to me on a normal basis, doesn't really care about how I am or hasn't even seen me for years wanting access into my life and what I do. That is simply called kay-por. Its fine if you are fine with that, but don't impose your ways onto me.

Furthermore, I don't understand why people take it so personally. If we are friends, then surely you should be confident to know that our friendship is not defined by Facebook. And whatever happened to a phone call or a text message or sending an email if you really want to find out what is happening in my life? How difficult is it to type an email as opposed to clicking onto a FB page. Sorry, it seems like a load of superficial crap to me. I don't want a Poke, a Poke means squat if that is all our friendship consists of.

Finally, I hate FB "etiquette"! If I don't Poke back means I'm ignoring someone. If someone comments on my comments I must Like it or else I'm being a snob. If someone Likes something I must comment on how much I like them liking what I like or else I'm not liked. Lol. I do not desire to be so bound by the rules of social networking.

What is a Poke; What is a Like - a click of a mouse in a world of clicking mice.

Now excuse me while I go check my FB page.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What a silly little thing...!

You'd have thought that for such big,tall & beefy men the rugby trophy would be a massive thing, not such a tiny cup that lools ridiculously small next to them giants.

Thursday, October 20, 2011