Saturday, August 29, 2009

So who's gonna be Joseph?

Marathon Heaven!

Back to back episodes of Any Dream Will Do on BBCE.

The wait is finally coming to an end, tomorrow night is the last episode of the [2007] reality tv series to search for a lead actor for a West End musical.
I can't wait cause it'll mean I can finally google and youtube to my heart's content without fear of accidentally stumbling onto the winner and spoiling my 2months of anticipation.

I'm rooting for Keith but I'm quite sure Lee will win.

Cannot tahan! Grin galore!


He's 61 years old but he's still a fantastic singer, performer and actor!

Such a powerful song.

Lyrics | Meat Loaf Lyrics | Cry Over Me Lyrics

Friday, August 28, 2009

Plan A

I just got back from a drink and a friend said that the dream or Plan A, to get married at the age of 24, looks like its not going to happen.

Driving back alone, I mindlessly realized when I was younger (teens) I never really set an 'ideal marriage age' so specifically. There's nothing wring with that at all, many people I know do have ideal ages they think they'd like to be married by etc. When asked, probably in my teenage mind the answer was within the next year or so. I always thought it'd be nice to be a young mother.

However, to a 14year old in From 3, a 24 year old is old! A teen usually thinks about the wedding, not a marriage; likes the idea of being mommy, not the responsibility of it. I think I thought that I would be all grown up by now; having a stable job, seriously dating someone, a nice car, a "stable" life.

Now a quick reality check would be: I still don't feel that I'm an adult, I'm soon to be jobless (no worries), the thought of dating makes me cringe (recoil in distaste) , I have my Pumpkin which I'm so happy with, and my life is going to become anything but stable in the next few months.

I'm not the image of the person I think I thought I would be some day.
Do I even want children?
Mathematically speaking, the chances of me being a young mother is not gonna happen.
I'm 24, nearest possible date I think I could be married 27. I don't want to have a child till about 2 years of settling down, which makes me 29.

Yeah. I can kiss that mental image goodbye.

Thank goodness it was never my Plan A.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Shameless Arrogance

Just take a look at how our MINISTER handles a press conference.

Totally unnecessary and uncalled for.

Makes me sick to think he represents the rakyat.

And how is a person like him to face the international community?

Leaders of other countries? Only talk to those who speak BM is it?

Guess that limits our international relations to Indonesia then.

Oh wait a minute, they are already pissed at us for abusing their maids.

Malaysia Boleh!

Friday, August 21, 2009


I have been a spectacle wearer for over 10 years now, and I still MISPLACE them from time to time...

You would think that I have some routine where the specs will be in the same place when I wake up and before I go to sleep, but Nooooooooooo!
They have grown legs and run away I think. Or probably I had some genius idea at the time (that I have now forgotten) and I will find them tomorrow night next to the door or on the coffee table or microwave or other strange places. Maybe its in my car.

For now its extra irritating because i heard a noise in my room which freaked me out big time. Chances are it could be a cockroach and because I have no specs, I dare not investigate further. Therefore, I have run downstairs and am surfing, hoping one of two things to happen:

1. I suddenly remember where my specs are or;

2. When I return to my room the 'noise' will be gone.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Convocation 2009

48hours in Penang to visit the juniors who put on their purple robes and walked across the yellow carpet to receive their reward for 3-4years of work.

Unbelievable, cause when i look at them, I still see them as my first/second year juniors! But not anymore...

ConGRADulations to all the graduates of 2009!

*On the other hand this convo means another full year has gone by, what have I done in all that time...*

Monday, August 10, 2009

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Picture has nothing to do with post. He's just nice to look at.

I love Wednesdays, always have since I was in primary school.

To me its the middle point of the school days/working days.

When Wednesday comes around, it means I'm closer to the weekend, and once Wednesday is over, Saturday is just around the corner.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Who will be Joseph?

I am hooked on BBCE's reality competition called:

Its a fantastic competition to look for the next lead actor for the West End musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.
I've never watched the musical before, nor listened to its songs but after following this program I think I want to.

The show started off with mass auditions, and then cut down to 12, each performing weekly and the audience has to vote for them. The lowest 2 will have to go through a sing off, and Andrew Lloyd Webber himself will decide who is eliminated. Stress...

An added bonus is the fact that I can watch talented guys with fabulous voices, singing their hearts out. *swoon* And because its for a musical, its very different from American Idol where they are looking for a pop star. This show is looking for an actor, singer, dancer - the whole package.

Actually, the show aired in 2007 (ages ago!) but I'm using all my self control to stop myself from looking up the winner. I want to cheer on my favourite, Keith, hoping he has a chance to be the next Joseph. (Though I don't think he will win, I suspect Lee will walk away the next Joseph)

*I think I generally enjoy British shows more than American shows, but Astro's BBCE is quite limited...*

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Here we go again...

Sometimes I don't get the stupidity of those leaders...

First world countries hold marches/gatherings/protests/strikes/rallies all the time with the presence of the police. Do the police restrict, beat and arrest them?

No, the police HELP by maintaining order, guiding traffic and blocking off roads to make sure the march can go on peacefully.

What happens here in my beloved country?

They set up roadblocks along major roads around the city the night before, creating huge traffic jams and making ordinary people who wanna go home after work pissed off, cursing in their cars. Malaysia Boleh!

Then on the day itself early in the morning, they nicely arrest people for loitering, wearing coloured t-shirts and looking suspiciously like they might be involved. Arrest you know, no joke. If only all that manpower was used to catch snatch thieves. Malaysia Boleh!

Best of all, instead of helping to keep order, they start the chaos by firing off tear gas, using water cannons, grabbing, kicking, arresting. Malaysia Boleh!

Tonight and tomorrow, those leaders, local news and papers will say all this disturbance and chaos is because of the protesters. Trouble makers. Rioters.

Hell-o Dumb*sses...?

If you just let the people to walk calmly and peacefully in the first place (to the Istana Negara to hand over a memorandum at 2pm), it would be over by 4-5pm. Everyone will be happy and there would be a tiny glimmer of freedom and justice in the country.

But noooooooo.... How can they allow that? These peaceful people in red or black tshirts will create havoc! They will cause traffic jams.... Yeah, like taking up 1 lane will cause as bad a jam as blocking off all roads around the city. Sureee. I get ya.

Tourists that come to Malaysia will get a bad impression of the country - oh please, they will be wondering why the the police is so brutal and why the people can't speak out! You think the foreigners are so dumb?

And the list goes on...

Recently a friend said about the gathering, "I don't know if using an aggressive approach is the way to go"
I stopped him there. Aggressive? I told him to be very careful about misusing words like that. That is exactly how irresponsible reporting comes about.

Word choice is so important, and the media is supposed to have responsibility of delivering accurate news reports.
Instead of reporting a group of peaceful protesters, they are labelled rioters.
Most rural folk who do not have internet access will of course not be as aware of events that unfold, as the city dwellers. So they take the word of our credible local papers, RTM and shake their heads.

Words. That's another problem with our Rakyat. We have been drilled and indoctrinated so that words like march, protest, rally, demonstrate, vigil - automatically carry negative connotations.

Like dogs that have been trained - when they hear the bell, they salivate and think they will be fed. The Rakyat have been trained so that when they hear certain words, they are to cower, retreat and not get involved. Toe the line. Keep your head down. Be afraid - you stick up for something you'll end up in jail. Be a robot - Don't question.

People fear these words, and those leaders want the Rakyat to be fearful.

In so many first world countries when these things happen the leaders listen.

In our country, the Rakyat are silenced. By force.

Wait a minute, let me correct that statement.

In our country, the Rakyat who want truth / justice / equality / answers are silenced.
By force.