Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The best thing about my extended stay here in the UK is getting to experience all four seasons.

When asked if Malaysia has seasons? Yes, rainy season and non-rainy season.

The beautiful flowers and lambs totally make up for the cold winter days.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Chimney or Fish

Walking back from the park with my cousin and her 18-month year old daughter, she asked me when I wanted to get married, how many children did I want...etc. (errr, what?!)

Naturally she asked me what type of guy I was looking for; I said a Christian who doesn't drink and doesn't smoke.

She told me I had high standards.



No, seriously?!?!

No thanks.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I hate how tv ads are so much louder than the tv programme.

Turn up volume, turn down volume, turn up volume, turn down volume, forget to do it in time and you get blasted...

Monday, April 12, 2010


Four days and three nights in Paris at the end of the month, any suggestions?

1. Eiffel Tower (duh)
2. The Louvre - If not to see Miss Lisa, must see the outside at least.
3. The big arch thingamajig
4. Moulin Rouge - picture taking!
5. Fabulous cafe/pub filled with decent sleazy French men...

Monday, April 05, 2010

Thursday, April 01, 2010


I have met the future King of England.


I offered him a chocolate finger.

For the past few weeks I have been 'volunteering' myself for my aunt's project; clearing a path through an area in Dumfries Estate. People like going for walks over here remember.

On the estate there's a huge stately home, which closes to the public for Winter and yesterday was its opening for Spring. Unknown to everyone (except the top officials I guess) Prince Charles was to visit the house and have lunch there.

As he was going for a walk through the estate to his next appointment, he passed where our group was gathered (outside old stables where we were putting up a display) and my aunt spotted him, went (dashed) over and asked if he could spare a few minutes to say hello.

Over he came, but unfortunately I was inside the stable pinning up pictures and I didn't hear, nor see him come over. By the time I realized who and what was happening it was too late to naturally shake his hand and no way was I gonna force my way through to introduce myself. I'm not sure if it was 'royal etiquette' but when he did notice me slightly behind the group he smiled at me and I did the 'smile-nod-head-oh-hello-there' gesture which he returned.

It was only much later on that I thought perhaps the, "Hey! wassup macha?" type greeting wasn't appropriate for HRH but my aunt told me he prefers people to be natural around him. No wonder, I'm sure he's stuck with meeting stuffy important people all the time!

Still a short distance away I couldn't hear what he was saying clearly, but I heard HRH say something like, "Do you have any food?"

I grabbed the only thing we were munching on, Cadbury's chocolate fingers, stepped forward and offered it to him. I didn't expect him to take one, it was a semi-joke offer. I mean, a chocolate finger for a future King? C'mon...

He looked amused and declined with a chuckle, and everyone had a laugh which I was glad for because it was too quiet and still for my liking.

He then said goodbye and was on his way with his relatively small entourage, mainly his bodyguards I think.

It was all over so fast. We were very lucky he even 1. walked by where we were and 2. stopped for a few minutes because we were told that he was very far behind in his schedule and had to cancel some other meetings he had lined up.

The few things I noticed about him was...

1. He had a cool walking stick - not that he needs assistance in walking, but as an accessory (maybe for protection as well)
2. He doesn't have any posh airs about him, he was approachable and 'normal'
3. Most importantly, there is nothing wrong with his ears! I did not notice any sticky-outyness at all...