Thursday, August 17, 2006

Let the rain fall down....

I'm not one that does not like rain. There’s something just so wonderful about playing in the rain. No matter how old a person is, I think it’s a shame to waste the opportunity when it arises. Like today for example. It was pouring after my last class, and I was in the lecture hall practically the other end of the world, DK Z. Being Convo week, there are no buses, so no choice but to walk.

Its about a 25minute walk from where we were, and we had to cut through the DTSP area, where the evening convocation session was being held. The last time I saw so many bouquets of flowers was probably either when I went to Petaling Street a day before Valentines Day or during my brother’s convocation in UM some years back. Why flowers…? I didn’t get my bro flowers…Would I want flowers when I graduate? Hmmm…I was saying that holding a bunch of gifts and all would prevent me from going around hugging and being jolly-jolly with friends/family/course mates. Dah-la I’m a clutz, every stalk and teddy bear would be falling out with each step I take. Kevin says the more flowers the girl has to juggle in her arms, the more bangga she’ll be. Errr, right.

Not only that, have you seen the weird arrangements they’ve come up with now? Ghastly! Instead of normal flowers, you can get the fake ones- which look real bad or flowers with teddy bears or just a bouquet of teddy bears. Man….There’s teddy bears, hearts, bumble bees, tortoises, frogs, Mashimaro, Pooh and friends, Doremon...The list goes on. Do 23year old’s still delight in getting a bunch of mini frogs wrapped in garish, gaudy paper only to end up gathering dust in a corner and having cockroaches lay eggs in it? Maybe some do, so I shall not judge. I remember last year someone said I’m “not a normal girl” just cause I don’t like soft toys. Ho-kay! =)

Where I was…..Right- cutting through the crowd anxiously waiting for their loved ones to come out was so nice. Me being such a sucker for these kinda occasions, i got caught up with all the happy emotions floating around, seeing the faces of grandparents and lil kids, trying their best to catch a first glimpse as the graduates trickle out of the big hall. And the faces of those who just got their scroll, looking so grand in their robes and mortar board, huge smiles on their faces, even though it was raining. Seriously, it was a super Kodak moment…If only I had a camera with me to capture it.

Back to the rain. Or rather being in the rain. I’m so glad I’ve got a friend who’s mad like me. Most people I know would say “Eyer…crazy ar? After get sick o…” (Shelby rolls eyes..) or “For what?” And i say “For fun la..” Then they give me the you’re weird look. So after handing my bag and umbrella to the owner of the you're weird look, Suria and i happily splashed our way along, having our own fun. Since it was just after office hours, the road leading to the stadium was jammed, and i'm sure we were entertaining them. Some stared, some glanced, some waved, some phee-weet'ed, some didn't notice. As the rain fell, i could actually feel each drop of water on my skin, individually and made me feel so alive. (corny as it sounds) Unfortunately for us, earlier in the morning when it was nice and sunny, we both chose to wear white t-shirts... =/

While blogging i was having an amusing chat with a friend about how to get around BGR...

Anonymous says: show what signs? invite to see movie?

Anonymous says: mano a womano

queen shelby says: oh...err

queen shelby says: thats quite too direct lo

Anonymous says: so...master...i have to.....???

queen shelby says: SUBTLY OBVIOUS LA!

Anonymous says: warliow!!!

subtly obvious

loudly quiet

skinnily fat

stupidly smart

beautifully ugly

ok...will try my best

Good luck! =p


Anonymous said...

Haha I know what you mean. I don't mind buying a bear or a bouquet of flowers for someone who's graduating, but definitely not a bouquet of bears. It looks outrageous. My brother's girlfriend received from him a bouquet of puppy dogs during her convo. It looks cute, but it's kinda strange. But, if anyone were to give that to me as a graduation gift, I'd just appreciate the thoughtfulness.

imissw said...

superfluous words in title - of course rain will fall down!!!

tried to ignore it but it has greeted me too many times when i view yr blog in these pass few days.


Kit said...

subtly obvious is old skool circa 1957 and should only be used if you are:

1. indecisive (not a Man)
2. homosexual (no longer a Man)
3. tunku abdul rahman (a dead Man)

Asian men are already too chicken shit for their own good. Please don't corrupt my species any further. Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Solution for too many thingamabobbers dilemma: Shopping cart! don't like expensive foofy gifts...I shall give you a bouquet of tenten jellies and toilet paper roses (hand made) for your convo. A joy for both ends, really.

Ahhaha...impromptu wet t-shirt contest!

Ok what joker went and asked Shell for advice...

queen shelby said...

Mel: You looked great yeasterday, send me the pic we took k? But after PIT,i was looking like an urgh...

CiC: i love how you get so worked up over these kinda things...but down to us is up to someone else below us. Ah-hah! And how'd you make ur words italics when you post comments ar? I SO need to go for Blogging 101 Class.

Kit: kekeke, farney la you...
True, you have a point.
BUt, you gotta play the game according to how your opponent plays it, so if she's a pre-Merdeka chic and someone tries a 21c approach, doubt it'll work.

And nothing wrong with Msian guys being direct at all, but the question is are they prepared for a direct answer?
I think not.

Anyway, old skool rocks la.

(woo hoo!So exciting.. i learnt a new word. Circa...hahaha!thanks, will try and find opportunity to use it)

queen shelby said...

AH Jef! MOnkey, missed you by ten mins or so...
I'd love a bouquet of ten tens, especially hand made. Would love to see a guy attempt to make something pretty.

Ended up the parents and sibilings had to hold all the stuff ppl got. So kesian to see..Standing around kaku cause dunno wat to do.

And my roommate would've won the contest hands down.

For your information, i happen to dish out pretty decent advice according to the situation okay...

Anonymous said...

Hah! I got a personalised reply! I'm the favourite!
*thumbs nose at everyone else*