Friday, April 28, 2006

Butterflies and Rainbows

I sit in the quiet, listening to music. The music is playing, but it is quiet.
Each day the hostel gets more and more silent and still. Except at night. The sounds of celebration and freedom echo around the buildings. "Its not fair!" the little voice inside me says.
I watch the birds, they take what they need and fly off.
My calender says i've got 8days to go, till i can be happy like the rest and go home. But the joy will be short lived. I am not happy.

I'm not happy because i'll have only 24hours at home. I have a hole in my tooth, so i'll be spending some of that precious 24hours at the dentist. I have to pack, unpack and pack. I wanted to attend something, but now no mood. I have a party to go to that i probably will end up standing akwardly in a corner holding a cup of bubble-less Coke grinning like a mad auntie wishing i wasn't there in my frumpy clothes while the kontangs walk about throwing back their straightened long hair in girlish laughter. *shudder*
I wanna be Jack Bauer.
Except with a cool-er surname.

Hmm, the kakak outside is spraying my door with water. Cleaning time. Kakak spelt backwards is kakak.

My quietness is disturbed by the rubbish truck outside. Like clockwork, each morning at this time it is there. Grinding, squashing, mashing, compressing my maggi mee packet and empty shampoo bottle. The sampah men are a jolly bunch. I like how they hang onto the side of the truck as it makes its rounds, faces covered with self-made masks that probably doesnt really help much. Darn long it takes, *continuous sound of drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....* for about 15minutes, just outside my window. But its okay, i dont mind it. They're just doing their job, getting rid of what i produce. Maybe one morning i should buy them teh-ais.
Yes, i shall.

Last night i was so happy. Unexplained happiness. The kind of happiness that feels like it can explode from within you and splatter the walls with butterflies, stars, flowers and rainbows.

It would be nice to have butterflies and rainbows everyday.


a.h.t.i.n. said...

hmm...saying kakak repeatedly is like laughing...

kakakakakaka! =P

imissw said...

"racecar" is the longest english word that you can spell backwards and it comes out the same (there's a word for those kind of words but i cant recall...).

but i may be wrong...

imissw said...

oh, btw, why Jack Bauer?????

Kevin said...

- the word for those kind of words that can come out the same even if you spell it backwards is palindrome.

This is certainly of flowers and rainbows. I couldn't have described it better than you have done.

Btw, if your place's so silent that it hurts, why don't you ask me out and let's have fun before da paperz? :-P

(or after, if you have time ^^)

imissw said...

"kontang" are the girls who walk about throwing back their straightened long hair in girlish laughter! ;-P

yes, u r rite. Bauer is farmer or peasant. at least, that's wat this site says!

p/s - thanks kevin.

Kevin said...

I read it oh so many times but still can't figure out what's wrong with Bauer or seems a nice name to me :-P

Well, but then since it's farmer, I think I want to be miner. Anyone knows what's miner in German?

Maybe Kevin ***** sth...

p/s - you're welcome, a chinese guy in colchester. Any shorter name I can address you in?

Unknown said...

sam you're such a ding dong! :p Jack Bauer is the main character in the series '24'...
and hi shelby! don't know if u still remember me..heheh


queen shelby said...

jaytee: My usual msn LoL is 'kekekekekee' =)

aCGinC: unexpected.I'd have thought a funkier word wld be the longest,and i expected a longer word...

Kevin: Palindrome! I bet Shakila would know the word if u used it on her...*with snobbish,high class tone* :"Oh Doctor, i am facinated with the palindromes in the poem arent you?" =p
Yea, we ber-happy before Che-Mat's crzy pper lah...Wednesday breakfast?
And u can address CGinC as Obi-Mun

If miner in German was Isbapurk, would u like to be called Kevin Isabapurk...kekeke

Sam: Kontang is my creation,word used to define the skinny girls that can wear 12inch mini-skirts, fit into any Free Size clothes and have 0% body fat. I might blog bout how the word was created one day.
And the butterfly is there what, in the tree, middle, just under the rainbow.
U didnt know Jack?!? See la, watch so much Orange County and Las Vegas, such "deep" tv series.

Why Jack Bauer? I made the reference cause as Adele (yes, of course i rmb u..going Camp Cam?) pointed out, he's the star of 24, and can manage to expose a scandal, capture the criminals, get in trouble with the police, be kidnapped by Iraqi's, save the Turtles, do the grocery shopping and kiss his wife goodnight all in one day... =p
I want his super time-expanding magic power.

And i think his name is just plain weird to me...if i read it without hearing it, i'd be 'Huh?!?'

Bauer: Bow-er? Bay-uare? Ba-ooer?
Can you imagine my Standard 1 teacher calling me...

"Sellbee Ba-oor?"
Right...sounds like i'm from Bosnia

queen shelby said...

Miner in German is Bergarbeiter
So you'd be: Kevin Burger-biter

Kevin said...

rofl..I do not know what Isabapuk means but it sure does not sound a nice word to me, but i would love to be called that, but then somehow i feel as though bergarbeiter suits me. Talk about me love eating and of course burgers! Kekekeke....