Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Why, oh why...

Horrors of horrors........
Last night, as i lay on Suria's bed, reading my notes, a movement caught my eye. I looked over at the source, saw it and immediately jumped up and sreamed like hell.

When Suria saw why, she jumped onto her chair screaming...

We then ran around screaming and jumping off our chairs and beds to get as far away from it as possible...

Can you imagine two fully grown, 5ft 7inch giants dashing clumsily around avoiding something about 2inches long...

My bug spray finished edi, it was SO empty that when i tried spraying nothing at all was left to come out but a fart of air... *pffffftttt!*

Suria is my hero. She ran to the door, got a slipper and *smack*

Crap man...i HATE roaches. i FEAR them.

I hope it just accidentally wandered into our room, cause never had any roach before.

Worst part is no one came to our rescue......All that screaming, it could've been a killer and no one cared... *sob sob*

Last paper on Thursday, finally ! Pity the others who only end on Saturday.

I always wonder why God created the cockroach...


imissw said...

The reason? Ecology.

"...a fart of air"??????

ROTFL! Priceless!

p/s - if suria killed that fella wif the slippa, then where u get the pic from???

p/p/s - reminded me of the incident during our church camp last year.

p/p/p/s - no roaches here, muahahaha!

Kevin said...

wohooo..the reason behind the pic, i think she grabbed it from somewhere online. Or rather ironically she has tonnes of pics of those roaches in her com :-P

Hmm, one thing that got my attention's certainly the fact nobody care to see what's going on. FOr some reason or other, I am not surprised there're so many cases lying around.

p/s - I think it's a THING-that-shouldn't-have-been too!

a.h.t.i.n. said...

it's not always rainbows and butterflies, it's cockroaches that moves us along... neighbour came over and look wat's happening when my sis screams her head off when she saw one =P oh! i've good a good neighbour~!

-- J e e L e e -- said...

Oh yes, I so agree with Obi-Mun. Reading this post reminds me of last year's church camp and our room or rather BATHROOM that was infested with ur lovely roaches....


I have similar account. Unfortunately it's not roaches that I found in my room and on MY bed. It was a big fat rat!!


Thank God, I have a good landlord that killed the rats for me and a wonderful roommate who will clean my stuffs for me (including washig my bedsheets and all)...well, I have exams mar! ;p

cheeyokelo said...

in some parts of the's a delicacy...
sigh...wasted on the slipper

queen shelby said...

Are you MAD ? YOu think i'll be able to actually snap a picture of a real roach in motion?!?!
No way man... Unless its dead and curled up, you can never let your guard down.
SO Kevin is right, i googled it =p

Wah, JayTee your neighbour is VErY nice..I need a neighbour like that..Even at home when i'm in the upstairs toilet i'll scream for whoever to come- my OWN family dont even layan anymore... ;p

A friend told me he once went into an outdoor toilet cubicle, squatting kind- and when he was doin-his-thang he looked up, and the WHOLE CELING was COVERED in live roaches. Then only he realised the door was as well. So he had to use his shoe to whack them away and get outta the cubicle.

Dunno if i'm scared of rats...Never encountered them up close and personal. Yet.

Kenny, no way you eat roaches...

imissw said...

hey, i just remembered - the dark caves. you were there wif me, rite? remember that short walk with a roof thingy where the whole *&%# thing was literally crawling wif roaches?

u werent that scared back then. methinks me was more scared than you!

or was it some other red head...

queen shelby said...

No no, twas me
I remember them caves, COVERED in roaches...
But since there was a pathway, and the roaches were staying off it, i was 'brav-er' la...