Friday, April 21, 2006

Yesterdays' News

2 down , 4 to go....
I hate exams.

Yesterday, i read in the Star paper about a Singaporean dude who jumped to his death. I dont know when it actually happened, but the loud, big headline cought my attention, and initially i laughed over it, but by the end of the article, i was sad.

'Small' penis drives teenager to suicide
Singapore - An 18-year-old student jumped to his death because he was convinced his genitals were too small, a Singapore coroner's report said on Wednesday.

In delivering the verdict of suicide, state Coroner Tan Boon Heng said that the incident highlighted the importance of sex education in and outside schools.The junior college student's death showed that even intelligent young people can be "victims of misinformation," Tan said."The deceased was so tormented by his unfounded (belief in his) inadequacy that it drove him to end his life," the ruling said.

The case is being forwarded to the ministry of education.Sex education in the city-state is delivered as a short series of lessons "If parents are aware of their children being tormented... they should seek professional help, lest such tragic deaths should happen again," said the report, published in The Straits Times.

The student, a member of the school volleyball team and described as "cheerful and energetic," jumped from a housing block on March 3.

The youth had confided in his mother in October that he was worried that his private parts were too small.She took him to a clinic, where the doctor told him that his penis was a normal size for an Asian man and prescribed multi-vitamins.

The son told his mother in January that his life was "boring and meaningless" and that the only thing stopping him from suicide was his family's love.Despite strong emotional support from his girlfriend, he remained convinced that he had a problem.

His sister sent him a text message on March 3 asking if he was coming home for dinner.He replied that he would eat out. The next and final message she received told her and their mother to take care.

In a suicide note, he apologised to his girlfriend and family for killing himself.He said it was not due to the stress of his exams, "but it was more about his physical development. ... He still knew there was something wrong with his body parts," the investigation report said.

Very sad....
I can sorta understand, or rather have a tiny inkling of how he felt. I have days where i feel certain ways about my own body. But i can control it. Those i talked to about it say he's probably mentally sick and watched too much porn. Maybe. Still, it is unfortunate he thought that way. And yes, sex education is SO needed in Asian countries.


a.h.t.i.n. said...

hmm...the headlines were rather funny n eye-catching but somewhere towards the end is quite sad indeed =(

imagine how the family members or the girlfriend wud feel...

*looks at himself* i think i better eat more rice to cover up those visible rib-cage lines...

Kevin said...

Agreed. It's terribly sad but then, it just shows you how a person can get their thinkings wrong! So wrong indeed!!

queen shelby said...

A lesson to learn from this is dont be so rude and insensitive lor...

Many times i've been told negative things to my face about my physical appearence, and heard it said to others.

So those that do say things, think first la...

Kevin said...

yes my royal highness!! :-P