Friday, April 07, 2006

Home made facial wash?

Oh my goodness.......
I never knew that buying nasi lemak would ever be so geli.
So, this morning i went to my hostel cafe to get food. I went over to the 'not-so-popular' food place. I go on an off, but only the last week or so i noticed a new worker there, a bapok. He's nice la, and friendly. As per normal, i do the usual chit-chat while he prepares the food.
As he hands me the plate, he stares at my face, studying it.

BP:Muka kamu ada pimple ya... (WTH?!?!)
Shel:Oh yeah, erm, very hot here so i peluh alot mar....
BP:Nak tau satu cara untuk bagi muka clear, tak de jerawat.....? Tapi cara ni agak kotor la...
Shel:Er, okay...
BP: You ambil underwear you, jangan cuci ye...Then you lap your muka with it, rinse then only cuci with the facial wash.
Shel: (CRAPPPPPPPP!) ke? Hmmm... *akward pause*
BP: Tak pernah dengar cara ni ke? Tanya orang Melayu, mereka sure tau...
Shel: Okay.....Bye....
*Walks away as FAST as i bloody well can*

A R G H !!!!!


a.h.t.i.n. said...

eww...though i've never tried b4, (never wanted to try either) i'm sure it'l yield a negative result to ur face @.@'

imissw said...

did he say which side of the underwear to use - inside or outside?

nvm. dun think i wanna know...

queen shelby said...

kekeke, freaky right...
i'm tempted to ask around to seee if anyone else knows of this 'facial'

Hmm, no, he didnt specify which side to use...

rizumu said...

of all your entries, this is one that seriously made me burst out in laughter!!! -mamasboy-

Anonymous said...

You do realized that you put Shel(l) and BP, the major petrol stations together right??
But very interesting topic though... Gross but interesting..

queen shelby said...

OMG, you're right!
no, i didnt realise that...

Good one!