Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ask-for-sarsi !

I just witnessed student politics. Last night the calon-calon for the coming uni elections were doing their organized campaigning. This is what I gather:

If I wanna be elected, my campaign speech should go something like this, “My name is Shelby Ng, remember, Shel-by Ng. Yes, Shelby Ng. I said Shelby Ng. When you vote, look for the name, Shelby Ng. What I plan to do doesn’t matter; just remember Shelby Ng, Shelby Ng, Shelby Ng.”

To get the crowd really buzzing for me, I then repeatedly shout some obscure phrase that no one actually understands, “In-spi-ra-tion! In-spi-ra-tion! Live In-spi-ra-ti-on!” thrust my fist into the air and the people will practically become orgasmic.

Of course, if I am one that does not shout obscure, ambiguous phrases that rhymes with Ask-for-Sarsi, I will then have to fight to be heard over the noise made by the orgasmers yelling “Liar liar pants on fire”. I will also try to ignore the distraction behind me, as suddenly everyone would be walking about instead of sitting politely in their places. Not only that, I’d be speaking in darkness because conveniently the lights above me would go off when it was my turn.

As a spectator to all of what happened, it’s just so saddening to see the ignorance of the students. Cheering for people that aren’t saying anything. Hurling insults at people who are.

USM : Kami Memimpin

1 comment:

aKidos said...

nice to hear about ur uni elections !

Our elections are corrupted , The student representative councils in mmu are chosen by the MMU President. The elections conducted is just to show the students mmu being democratic !!!!

Almighty muharram