Monday, September 17, 2007

Arrogance and Ignorance

Some people are just that.
Many nights i have stayed up with friends debating and arguing certain issues.
Stupid things, dumb things. The other night a discussion cropped up when one person said, "My logic is more superior than Jerry's logic."

So i argued back. Unless something is proven, until that point, each individual has their own way of being logical and you cant measure who's is "better". All factors like background, values, experience etc will contribute to how someone come up with a conclusion.
The sad thing is, this 3 hour discussion lasted so long because my friend couldn't accept that we couldn't agree that she was better than another.

In our talking, we then tried to explain to her how there are some things that are just not measurable.
Creativity, intelligence, musical...

But she argued it could be measured, so i asked her - Is a tone deaf person that sings totally out of key not musical?

How can you say a water colour painting by an art student is more creative than a child's finger painting? I'm not talking about skill, I'm talking about creativity. What exactly are you gonna measure?

The world has their way of evaluating, yes, no doubt. Exams and all.

I'm of the opinion that things like that cant be measured.

My friend is of an opinion that he KNOWS God can and will measure who is more logical/musical/creative than the other. He will measure how smart we are, but he wont measure us for how smart we are...

Go figure.


aKidos said...

shelby gone mad ....

-almighty muharram-

jess said...

i made that statement at my thesis presentation "creativity cant be measured" and got a shelling for that (no punt intended) years of research has proven that there is a measurement of intelligence and creativity. *shrug*