Sunday, January 15, 2006


What a tiring weekend!
Most of it involved running
Yesterday i was my fun day out, so wanted to go watch Pride and Prejudice...
Took a mini bus (ran to catch it) to Prangin Mall (Komtar) and discovered the stupid Mega Pavilion cinema was NOT showing it...
Gah! Moaned, groaned and blamed it on the Penang people...Muahahaha- they not interested in classics and wouldn't appreciate it. Thanks to Aaron and Joshua the Ugly- found out there was a movie on in Gurney Plaze at 3.10pm... Looked at watch- 2.29pm...we had 40 minutes
Shelby says : We CAN make it !
Daniel said : You cant make it!

R U N!

Hah! After a sprint down the 5floors and hopping onto the first bus we saw, our hopes were dashed when the driver refused to budge until he had a FULL load of passengers, so there went our precious minutes, ticking away.
After everything, got to the Gurney stop at 3.10 and we ran to the place, up the 5floors again (why are cinema's always on the top floor?) But got stuck on the 3rd floor behind this irritating couple that HAD to hold each other and be all lovey dovey...Yuck! Not like we were quiet running up the escalators... As if one would die if parted for 10seconds.. (rolls eyes)
Well, got there and the ticket lady was nice about it, thankfully still had seats that weren't too bad- got in and i'm sure we missed less than 5minutes of it.

Lucky didn't watch it with mom, or she'll laugh at me.
But yeah, its good, if you like classics (and i do) you'll enjoy it for sure. Went to MPH to buy the book but they were sold out of that title. Nevermind- USM library tomorrow i shall go.

Today, our first practice on track using spike shoes... Pretty cool, we each were given a pair to train with. My gosh, the events i'm in are madness: 400meters, 4x100m and 4x400m
Die. . . But i had such a great time training, feeling the pain- running till you think your lungs are gonna burst... Kinda malu though, cause there's a girl that trains under the USM team-so she's darn good. Anyway, she's in charge of us girls, and i feel like a turtle next to her.
But feel good physically, like i'm getting back into shape.

Ooh, took some silly pics outside Gurney- once i get them from Jethro,i shall upload (if i'm lucky)


imissw said...

did u know that your debonair *cough, cough* colin firth was mr. darcy in the 1995 mini series version?

imissw said...

the garden of heritage looks nice. cheers! made my day. :-)

imissw said...

eh - btw, i heard got bomb went off at prangin mall last sunday!!!! what the...???

queen shelby said...

Yes, i DO know that Colin Firth was Mr Darcy in the bbc mini series...Knew it long time ago edi
Am working on getting my hands on it..kekeke
Someone is "Arranging" it for me.

Yeah, a bomb went of, home made pipe bomb- the motive is not certain though. One died, one injured...

There was some outdoor singing competition going on, and the man went to watch his brother perform while waiting for his wife to finish work, and it happened. He's got a 3year old kid.
So sad...