Sunday, January 08, 2006


i've been attempting to upload some pics, but obviously knowing my 'luck' its not working...bah, nevermind, i'll save them for next time

i'm physically tired, my legs are aching and i love it!
Today was the start of training for Temasya Olahraga Tahunan (T.o.T.) and i decided to join- 1.i'm interested 2.want to stay in the desa next sem,so i've gotta be somewhat active. Dunno yet what event i'll be taking, and i've not seriously ran in...ages! but still, i'll try my best.
Training was good fun- thankfully i'm fitter than most,so i'm somewhat comforted. Ended playing a catching game, quite a good way of making us run and sorta break ice and come together as a team...we were laughing our heads off cause the girls would scream if almost caught, and some tumbled over (not hurt) and all... i'm glad, cause i worried it'd be all sucky n bleh...

Yesterday was one of the most blissful Saturdays ever...
Except the morning annoyed me abit..went for a captain ball referee meeting, where we're briefed about the rules etc, and it took FOREVER! Why? Cause non-captain ball playing people just couldnt seem to get it, and kept coming up with scenario's that i (and other c-ball players) have never encountered...Because of that, some rules were changed, making it more complicating for both player and referee in my opinion. What irritated me was you dont change football rules,basket ball, golf... you except them, so why couldn't the original ones be accepted as put down by the head ref? i dunno la...

And second irritating thing, i couldn't donate blood, bloody hell...I wanted to go regularly every 3 months, but my book says twas last June when i donated. You know the initial prick of the finger, and they drop a drop to see if it sinks of floats...Well, mine hovered in the middle (why!?) and the guy said i couldnt...Grrrrrr....nevermind, got another one next week and they gave me pills- iron, Vitamines and all that lah. Will take them regularly for the whole week so they cant turn me down again!

The rest of the day was just a lazy Saturday...lying about with the girls reading.All of us doing the same thing, chit chatting from time to time; lazy to move even an inch, just reading and reading.managed to finish George Orwell's book : 1984 Darn bizarre, freaky book- he wrote it in the 30's about the future, how it might be like...i dont like the ending.

Basically, the story is like this: World split into 3 super powers, and at all times at war with each other. The main character (Smith) lives in London, and works for the government. Big Brother is the ruler, and his government controls everything; they have telescreen's in everyone's room watching and listnening to your every sound, to even think thoughts differently from the party puts you in a dangerous position.,children spy on their parents... The worst thing is, they can change history and make it as if it is as it is...Records are altered, and the lie becomes truth. They can erase someone's whole existance, and if they say there is no such person, there is no such person. it doesnt matter what your mind tells you, or your memories of anything; because there is no truth...only what Big Brother says is true. And if you think otherwise, you are vaporized. Well, Smith happens to have a mind and intelligence to not just swallow what they say and it all starts from there...a love affair, him joining the underground opposition, his arrest and the sad ending...Its a good book, i recommend readers to try getting your hands on it.

Big Brother, 1984

"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows." Winston Smith, 1984

Photo's still cant upload.
8am class!

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