Sunday, January 01, 2006

Back In PJ

Happy New Year!!!

2 0 0 6 , here we come!

Yup, i'm home, leaving tomorrow at 10am. Tiring weekend man...
Friday night mum calls me and asks if i wanna come back for new year
YES !!!
Usually, my family tradition is to try our best to be together for countdown, and i missed last year cause of RBS, and i was v.sad to be missing it again.

Horrible journey to the bus station yesterday though; 7am bus- but being Saturday the Uni bus tak ada and so i left my room at 5.30am to walk across campus and attempt getting to the station by walking there. Thankfully according to one auntie i saw at the bus stop, she said the mini buses start at 6am...Half an hour later i was still waiting, no mini bus in sight...i was getting edgy... Plan B was to try and get a ride from a kind passing car, Plan C a taxi...Didn't use either plans, as the bus did come and i was saved.

Fast forward to 11+ and i was asleep on the couch...Woken by family, did the count down and we all went outside the house and watched the fireworks from Ikano.

I can't believe a year has gone past.
The way i keep track of time is be events that happened, and to me RBS doesn't seem like a whole year ago...Not at all!
Lets see, what happened through my year...

Feb 14th - End of May Evangel
June : Fun month before uni & Lala Day
July : Shipped off to USM, settling in
Aug- November : Living the uni life
24th Nov : Said goodbye to my teen years forever
Dec : National Conference, Christmas

This is like the super short version, but i've not yet really sat down and thought much about 2005.
Of course a major highlight is me starting a relationship la, scary business... =p
But so far so good... (v.g. ,yay!)

When i have the time i'll probably do the whole reflection thing, but haven't had a quiet moment to myself yet.
Dunno how 2006 will treat me, or i it.
As i wrote this, the familiar words from a hymn was playing in my head:

Many things about tomorrow,
I don't seem to understand;
But I know Who holds tomorrow,
And I know Who holds my hand.

So very comforting.

Happy New year people, start it well...

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