Sunday, November 02, 2008

Yes, it was me...

Some weeks ago, a few of you might have seen a Deepavali promo on 8tv, and thought,
Hmmm, the middle one looks familiar...


I was me.

Hahahaha.... I can blog about it now since its long gone from the tv screens.

A colleague asked if I could help out and I said, okay.

I have no idea why she asked me though, since what they actually needed was a 'white' looking person.


Shooting the short 30second clip was a lot of fun as 'Chinese' and 'Malay' are friendly people, and we had a blast trying SO hard to say the words wrongly. I had to concentrate really hard to try and sound 'White'.

However, once it was out, OMG, felt so shy and wanted to hide under a rock.
Hated it! As in, hated me in it! The others were fine. Of course, once my other colleagues found out, the teasing started. Ah, who cares? You only live once right?

It was a good experience, and my first time wearing a sari.

Unggal anai varukum - Happy Deepavali from 8tv!


Anonymous said...

haha, mei mei.. a wannabe chinese half-white girl trying to act like a white girl? schizophrenia man...

Unknown said...

haha, i thank youtube for all the things i've missed!