Sunday, November 23, 2008

Vacation Bible School 2008

Thursday to Saturday, my church had this 3day program for kids aged 5-12, and for the first time since Life Chapel has had VBS, I was a volunteer.

It was GREAT!

The children are split into three groups based on age, attend classes, then a rotation of games, crafts and music/dance.

I was in the Recreation team, which was in charge of the daily game sessions for the children.

The Senior students had a more stoned/kayu I don't wanna do this kiddy stuff, this is not 'cool' attitude. But they were alright eventually.

The Middle bunch were the worst. What shocked me the most was how rude they were, and the words they used. A number of them shouted 'you're ugly' or 'fat' or 'stupid', not only to each other but to the TEACHERS! When I was that age, there's no way you would get away with saying something like that. But these kids...

The thing that saved each game session was the arrival of the Junior group, who are such a joy to be with. They are at the age where even the most basic of games will be met with exploding enthusiasm, they are a lot more forgiving, and will listen to the teachers when being told what to do. The made my day each day.

I have decided, if I ever have kids, I'll keep them up to the age of 7-8, then get rid of them. Y.San said she'd take them from me till they were about 11-12 and then Su will take over till they've gotten over their teenage angst stage. So I get them back again when they're about 17. Haha...

Moving on, I was glad to be part of it and see so many people come together to contribute their time and energy for the children. As a friend told me, its the one time where you see the church move together, on a larger scale. From the aunties who provided superb meals for the children and helpers (120 people not easy to cook for okay) to the security guards that ensured the children's safety, to those that helped with the decoration prior to VBS and most importantly, all those who prayed for the event.

Behind the decoration, the dancing, the games and all the fun stuff, the ultimate objective of VBS is for the children to know about God and teach them about His ways.

Thinking of the simple truths the children were taught,

God is Real

Jesus is God's Son

The Bible is God's Word

My Actions Show What I Believe

I wonder if I myself truly Know the Truth, Speak the Truth and Live the Truth.

(Wish I had photos to show)


Hasten said...

Who say who fat? Who say who stupid?

You semua, sini mari...

*prepare for trauma*

queen shelby said...


Yah, teruk man their attitude!

Some I did 'correct' but I don't know how much she listened though. Felt like making them go stand in a corner.

