Sunday, November 09, 2008

Safety pin

Within 1 week, 2 guys told me the same thing.

They each went through a break up.

One was a friend who had told me before of his relationship problems and how it was changing, but I was shocked when he told me:

"I found out she was seeing someone else."


"I looked through her sms's...Then I confronted her."

"How long had she been seeing the other guy?"

"One and a half years."


What the heck man. I cannot understand betrayal like that. Its not as if she 'strayed' or made a one off mistake - that is bad, but one and a half years? I know there are many stories out there similar to this, but it still does stun me when people do things like that.

He had told her previously when he was overseas that if she finds someone she likes, let him know and he'd understand. But she did not... Even after he was back. The whole year, not a word. Why...? That is what I still fail to get.

I asked if he wanted me to bash her up. He said no, he's trying to keep it at 'lets be friends'. They were dating for about 4years.

For my other friend, it was a 5year relationship.

Five years...

He said it had been a year of constant arguing, patching up, arguing, patching up. Both side were frustrated, both sides were not satisfied and that feeling grew. Deep and strong undercurrents that eventually came to the surface.

Its sad, and its real.

People fall out of love with people.

It happens.

Which is why the safety pin remains.

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