Thursday, August 28, 2008

Food fight

I was looking around at some celebrity blogs, research for tomorrow night's guest, and I speed scrolled through this one. IMHO totally not worth reading, but if you like pictures of a cutesy looking chic, by all means.

Anyway,she's a Singaporean blogger and her entry was about their National Day i think, and the post title was : Traits that make us One Nation, One People, One Singapore.
One of the traits that caught my eye...

*We love food.

Makan makan makan! I guess this is the most endearing trait to me because it's the one I identify with the most :) I love food, especially asian food. I can't live without spice (the hotter the better!), and our local fare. Yummmmmm! Singaporeans also have a funny habit of diligently tracking the whereabouts of their favourite hawkers. We'll queue up 1 hour for that delicious bowl of laksa. We'll even drive from one end of the island to the other just to eat from a "famous" stall. What to do? Our food is THAT good.

(Lets read that last part again shall we?)

What to do? Our food is THAT good.

Ignorance is bliss la.

Earlier this year, I went down to the little red dot. A kind Singaporean chap brought us to try the "the Best Wan-tan-mee in Singapore". Notice the inverted commas. Its not his fault of course, to him it is the best and probably very yummy. All I'll say is that to me their "best" is almost equivalent to the standard wan-tan-mee you can find in ANY coffee shop over here.

Other stuff I tried, also cannot make it. Their mamak food. Their food court food.

Again, I say to any Singaporean that might be reading this,

Ignorance is bliss.

If they only knew what they were missing out on.


imissw said...

yeah, ignorance is bliss. i have heard so much from malaysians who love to criticise the food in s'pore.

i really dun know why. maybe it's ignorance. maybe it's pre-conceived notions. maybe it's just pure bad 'luck' that the places they went to in that once of twice they are there were truly bad. maybe they had frens who just din know where to take them.

oh well... one man's meat is another's poison. so i guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

just to put on record that each time i've been to singapore - which is often - me mates down there have always brought me to et at places where the food is REALLY good.

i'll take u next time if we're ever there at the same time. maybe u'll find out that you are missing out on some good stuffs. but then, ignorance is bliss, isn't it? ;-P

T.Wellington said...

6 words
"Good to eat and taste good."

Talking about good food in malaysia, i will not only give 5 star but will give all the star in sky.Well,this show that malaysia have a good and how unique is the food. Watch "ho chak" and you see the treasures of food.

Love malaysia food and your health brought to you

by t.wellington.

Jon said...

If they had tasted the once legendary char siew yuk at Jln Pudu (now management change, sux di), they'd know that they haven't a clue about good food. Hahhaha!

But that being said, some of the laksa I tried in one of their food court malls was half decent.

queen shelby said...

Aiyo, I don't love to criticize, I just read the person's blog entry and feel otherwise.

But judging from the past 3 times I've gone down, I've not once thought, wow - these noodles are good! I didn't have a pre-conceived notion, cause I didn't really know of the notion before. MAYBE it was bad luck. But the person that brought me to the wan-tan-mee shop is a food lover, so that made it all the more 'credible'.

Obviously I've not eaten in EVERY stall in Spore, but using my high level Maths calculation, hawker food wise in Spore - 3 out of 3 was not great. Whereas I do believe if I went to 3 random coffeeshops or mamaks in Malaysia, it would at least be a 1 out of 3 getting tasty stuff.

I did like their fast-food though, there's a nice pasta place that Jee Lee brought me to before that I would love to go to again. Forgot the name.

Vanessa said...

not sure if you know this blogger who blog of foods in malaysia or not. Here's the link.