Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Are you sure...

I make it no secret that I do not know if I am cut out to do what I'm doing now.

People often say, "You wont end up doing what you studied."

My job, though somewhat slightly related to what I did in uni, is actually totally different. I chose to do it nonetheless because I thought I'd give it a try, with the hopes that I will learn along the way.

That doesn't mean its easy.

Its only been a month and a half, but its so hard to measure how I'm doing because there really isn't much of a measuring system. Its not like sales, hit target - good, don't hit target - bad.

Very frustrating and discouraging.

Right now, my short long term plan is simple - keep it up for the 6months.

At the end of 6 months though, I'll have important decisions to make, as well as realistically evaluate myself to see if I'm any good at this.

Oh, the joys of being an adult!


aKidos said...

alamak miss shelby ... having hard time now, sure u gonna get used to it !! !

But at least better then worrying about the paper u gonna sit soon rite ... and every end of the month u get $$$ !!

See not bad rite !

Anonymous said...

most people don't end up doing what they studied lah... relax lah. it's all about the paper to get you a nice starting pay. hehe. that's coming from the cynical working world. oops!

queen shelby said...

Akidos- Yeah, well I'm not having a hard time, its just not an easy time.

Still got worry. Its a different kind of worry, trust me.

Jie jie: Yes, I know that already. I have no problem doing something I didn't study.
Its figuring out if I can do what I'm doing now thats the difficult part.

imissw said...

just hang on in there. this is one of the things that u'll have to find out the hard way. after a while, you WILL know if u can do it or not.

it is not easy but dun get disappointed. even if u make mistakes - tt's how u gain experience. one improves with more experience.

i'm sure you can make it! yeah, i believe in u! and in God too!