Sunday, August 26, 2007

What's your race?

Last night i went to a forum.

So far, and yet so near.
Held back by our own fear.

Lots said that i doubt i'd do it justice if i try to paraphrase it here.

Something interesting i'd like to pass on from it though is this , next time when filling in forms, where possible (using your discretion) :

Gender :Irrelevent
Religion : Irrelevent

And under Race : Bangsa Malaysia

Respect. Consideration. Unselfishness. Love.

Sound familiar? A lot like something many of us have heard. said by Someone a long time ago. But when we hear it, i'm sure creating a better Malaysia doesn't come to mind first. Pity.

"... We must each always think first of Malaya, of the national need and least of ourselves. Everyone must try to help and see that the people are one-minded, with one loyalty and one aim, to make Malaya - the land we love - a happy abode for all of us. If we all do this then we can guarantee liberty, security, prosperity and happiness for the future..."

Y.T.M. Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, 12 Februari 1959

1 comment:

Su said...

Hey I emailed you with something I thought you might find interesting. Sent it to your gmail....or at least what I think is your gmail :P