Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Bad year

Nothing is ever certain.

These were the words spoken to me by a friend some months ago.

How ironic that now it is I that tell her the same.

2007 is a bad year.

From day one.

Bad. Bad . Bad

It has been a year of much unhappy news and events.

The thing about hearing bad news is that it makes me more and more fearful of that bad incident happening to me.

For example, you read of snatch thieves in the newspapers. You hear about a friend being a victim of snatch theft. Then you hear your neighbour getting robbed. Obviously you’re gonna start being afraid of the same fate befalling you.

Similarly, what I’ve heard in the past 2weeks came as a sudden shock. Two separate incidents that I had not seen coming, and that has totally increased my fear levels. Like I was telling a friend, its saddening. Hope-killing. Frightening.


Anyway, USM choir did not make it through to the finals, Hallelujah! (Will explain) Those uni’s that made it are UM,UKM,UTM and UPSI. The first three definitely deserved to go through, but I didn’t hear UPSI’s performance so I can’t comment.

Yeah, I have so much to rant about regarding the past 2weeks. How terrible the whole thing was overall. I initially was so excited to join the choir. Super semangated and all.

First grumble. The Person in Charge aka Big Donkey’s Butt. There were not enough members at first, so he forced people to join. Then the number grew too large and only days later he informs us that only one bus is going so the number has to be cut down. He made us sing in our parts as he walked around us. If he didn’t like what he heard, he tapped your shoulder and asked you to leave. Just like that. Suria got thrown from Alto to Tenor less than a week before the competition.

Second grumble. The Person in Charge’s koncho-koncho’s. They think they’re damn great and superior. They conveniently forget about the non-music school people, so much so that they didn’t count 2people’s names in and on the dress rehearsal night, 2 nights before the event, informs them that, “Sorry, there’s no space for you.” Even worse, the night before we're supposed to leave, they inform my friend via sms that she cant come cause they miscalculated the space on the bus. Again.

Third grumble which will become a seperate post, the C I N A people that were real Cina's.

Overall, i'm still glad i went, glad i did it and IF another thing like that comes up i'll definitely think about signing up. Aside from all the grumbles, there were some precious moments within the 48hours and i was so happy that Tall Squat came to find us in UPM with Mr. Beautiful. Seeing their familiar faces really helped me release my tension.


Watch The Simpsons man!

Does whatever a spider-pig does..."


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