Friday, August 10, 2007


I plan to have a relaxing , quiet weekend. Suria's not around so i'll have the room to myself. I've not had time to do many things that i've been wanting to do, so hopefully these few days will be exactly what i need. Not having to layan anything.

R & R




Oh darn, i just remembered there's someting on at 9am tomorrow...AND 4pm ..

I was so taken up in my dream of my darkened room, chocolate and some dvd's that it totally slipped my mind

So i'm down to 5hours of peace and quiet. Okaylah.
Could be worse.


For our class, our lecturer let us watch a movie and we were supposed to relate it to colonialism. I had never heard of it before, but when the actors names flashed up in the begining, Edward Norton and Naomi Watts, i knew it had to be pretty good.

And it was.
Makes me wonder if there is such a thing as someone being too good for another person.
Norton's character, Walter, was a really good man.

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