Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I took a picture of a picture. I thought the picture was kinda cool.

Although i never quite understood why drawings always have the old wise men with long flowing beards, when beards are never soft and flowy, but wirey and frizzy. *shrugs*

I cant remember the details, but i know that the fish represented Yin & Yang, good and bad, balance and all that jazz.

If only the balance could be more balanced.

Good things happening to good people.
Bad things happening to bad people.


Good things happening to bad people.
Bad things happening to good people.

But, it happens.
Unbalanced balance.

Kinda like the rocks the guides at Jungle Lodge somehow balanced.


Anonymous said...

Ah but it does balance out...only not during our mortal lifespan...

imissw said...

Khoo Kongsi! I was there!!!!

Not worth the RM5, tho...