Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Unexpected Friends

The other night, I was at a party. It was supposed to end later, but because many people had class and tests to study for, they trickled out early. Consequently, others who were there felt the ‘suffocation’ or just had the herd mentality that “Oh no, people are leaving, I better leave too”. People that I thought should know better and stay. The ones that, if they had stayed, the sheep would stay too. Although I said stay once, I wasn’t gonna ask a second time. So, people left. Fine by me.

I see it more as my gain and their loss.

When I was younger, I was usually one of the last ones to leave a birthday party; I wouldn’t call my mom to fetch me just cause everyone else’s parents were coming. I’d call mom and ask if I could stay just a little bit longer, and she’d give me half to an hour before coming. It was in those times with the crowd gone that I could just be with the person, or few persons left behind, watch the presents being opened and talk. It was during that hour parents got to know me, or I’d meet the maid or the grandmother. I’d truly enjoy myself. Dunno why, I’m just like that.

Getting back to the party, earlier than expected it was down to bout a dozen people, the ‘clean-up crew’ so to speak. But they weren’t there because they were asked to help clean up. No, they stayed on willingly. They wanted to be there. And it was in that last hour, just like how it used to be at birthday parties, I truly enjoyed myself.

Sitting in front of the laptop and speakers, there was constantly a group of 3 people rotating, choosing the songs to play, walking down song memory lane, digging up tunes from our tween years. Another group was ever-so-slowly finishing up the food at the table.

While talking, we cleaned up, while cleaning up we sang, while singing we bummed about, while bumming about, we laughed, while laughing, we danced.
It was perfect.

I realized things about these people I’d never noticed the whole year. One person that I always assumed to be uptight and ‘proper’ was easygoing and amiable. There was a girl whom I tend to overlook because she’s usually surrounded by others and really she’s genuinely kind and generous. Another has the outward appearance of being a ‘cool dude’, yet as the music played, there were oldies he sang along to that I’d never imagine him to even know.

Ever looked at someone and wished you could be more like him/her? Its not the jealous feeling, but more like, I would love to have or learn to have the patience, gentleness, confidence, understanding, good nature, unselfishness and so many other great characteristics that those left behind’ that night had.

It’s sad that it takes so long to Know people. It actually doesn’t, but when you don’t spend time with them, it takes forever. But that night, that short hour seemed like forever.
It was perfect.

*Frustrated cause not been geting any WiFi in my room, so i'm internet and blogging deprived. Back at the cyber cafe again.*


Anonymous said...

Yeah...I'm like that too. I always linger...

I prolly have issues letting go.

Great post btw.

Anonymous said...

if i didn't stay back, i wouldn't have known you've those songs in your laptop.. =)

the wriggly worm..