Monday, January 22, 2007


"You seem different...Not good or bad- just different."

If i hear that one more time, my hair is going to fall off and tau-geh will sprout from my head.

From the conclusion some people have made, it could mean one of two things or both.
1. Yes, i am different.
2. You never really knew me.
3. I am different and you never really knew me.

And if its either 1, 2 or 3 well, get over it. Constantly telling me does not help matters.

Also, if its not good, NOR bad, then what's the big deal? Like if you ordered orange juice and said, " tastes different. Not better or worse, just different." You still drink it wat...

Chances are, people are gonna misinterpret what i'm saying here anyway, so it dont matter.


This was a friend's response to me mentioning that the sun seems to rise slower here in Penang than back home.

Yeah, i guess the sun rises pretty slowly over this island. Maybe the pace doesn't really matter at all. The important thing is that he rises as accordingly as his axis determines him to. He never changes. Maybe that was what she [the island] wanted. An unchanging heart. A constant commitment that means security. A sense of certainty that tomorrow always comes and if it doesn't, well, at least she still has him by her side till the end.

Quite an unexpected, beautiful reply.


Anonymous said...

heey shel = )
dunno how i end up here..but i'm glad i did.

oh.. and beautiful picture of the sunrise. minus the uummp .. pee-ing spot.

neways, I hope and pray everythin's fine and dandy.God bless

add me la on msn or sumthin.. = )

queen shelby said...

oh my goodness...Papa!!!!
(yes, you shall forever be Papa till the end of our days...)

You prpbably ended up here going from a link to another link etc then suddenly EH! My daughter's site... (sounds so wrong huh)
What you doing up so late anyway- sleep la you!

Anonymous said...

ah dear...

understand how u feel bcos i think ppl super misunderstand me sometimes. i get the different thing alot too especially from b-o-y-s. that means they're unsure what to make of u & cover it up by saying something neutral like'different'. In a society that still thrives on what we are on the outside, take heart and be brave to be different. Be the Queen Bee, love the Queen BEE! :)

Anonymous said... were awake at that time to... why werent u sleepin then? Just gembira the other day coz its a monday and i don't need to go work..haha..

forced to take a few days leave this week, need to clear 'em.

oh ya.. umm.. workin life sucks bigtime. how u doing?