Thursday, January 04, 2007

Better a lil late than never

And though a few days late, i list down my new years resolutions, which are actually more like New Sem Resolutions:

Number 1 : Lose 5kg before August.

Now, it doesn't seem like alot, however it is always wise to make achievable, realistic goals instead of crazy "yeah-right-in-your-dreams" kind that will only leave me disappointed and munching on a chocolate bar. At the moment i'm reading a book entitled French Women Dont Get Fat, a christmas prezzie from Mr. Beautiful, and it says how the numbers on the scale dont matter so much as how you look and feel in your clothes. So taking the good ol' scale method and the French way, i think i'll look and feel better 5kg less...Hur hur.. I'm not gonna starve myself, but change my lifestyle! Yes i am! Back to regular jogging and no late night snacking aka mamaking. (except occasionally)

Number 2 : Get on the Dean's list.

This one is a little harder than the first. I think. I had a chance in my first semester but i blew it with my crappy minor paper marks (kicks self over and over again). Nevermind, this time round, looking at my subjects, i believe there's more possibility in making it. Just means putting in more effort, and fighting the laze factor. But the Lazy force is strong, and i am rather weak. I must be a Luke not an Anakin. Need constant reminders.

Thats all. Two simple yet difficult ones. Other resolutions aren't for the readers pleasure, which i feel, ought to remain to oneself. Like Chris was telling me, he has a secret dream, and he can't tell anyone what that is because then it wont be his anymore. It'd be his and Tom, Dick, Harry, Kate, Abu, Gopal.... . .


New Year's Eve

Was spent in Gurney Plaza, and since the 31st of Dec was one of my youngest batchmate's 21st birthday, we came up with a wonderful surprise to show him how much we care.
After luring him from his Tekun room with the bait of wanting to pass him a bday gift, i proceeded to blindfold him and Chris tied him up.

Fast forward to Gurney Plaza top floor of parking, we then took a nice stroll around the mall, floor by floor with my Ray Charles much to the amusement of the crowd. Some sporting folkes wished him, some girls sang, but most just stared and laughed.

It was good fun, and later though we didnt hear the count down, Gurney Drive was alright-lah.
Hello 2007...


Anonymous said...

Must remember Shelby's birthday...must remember Shelby's birthday...must remember Shelby's birthday...

Jon said...

Why do I suddenly remember Die Hard 3?

I think if you tried that stunt in certain parts of KL, he'd be abused... and not verbally :P

GO Dean's list!!

Hasten said...

The PPK tradition is back!! :)

queen shelby said...

BB: Long way off, long way off, long way off and by then you'll forget forget forget and i prob wont be in Penang Penang Penang... =p

JOn: DH3 ? Hmmmm...cant remember- only thing i recall from it was the funny water equation

Hasten: PPK? Huh? What talking you? Good Christian ppl dont do stuff like that... =p

Anonymous said...

But bad Christian people on the other hand...

I'll even travel down to the big city for your bday...babi in the big city.

The Die Hard 3 reference - Remember Bruce Willis being blackmailed by the bombmaker Simon to wear a sandwichboard that said "I hate Niggers" into a black ghetto neighbourhood? Death wish anyone?

Jon said...

Brass Bandit, you remember! Hahah, you da man. That's an awesome movie... a pity about the profanity.

Hasten said...

On my 21st birthday, I was kidnapped, blindfolded, hands tied behind my back, and pushed into a pool.

A smashin' 21st birthday :)

Su said...

Hey...that....first come it sounds so familiar??...:P

Anonymous said...

Ah, Die Hard - my fav christmas movies!!!!! ;-P (Part 1 and 2, anyways!)

Die Hard 4 is coming out this year...

I've lost 15 kgs (the last time i checked) since Oct 2005. i think my main problem was eating too much too close to tidur time - a terrible m'sian lifestyle...

Anonymous said...

On MY 21st birthday, I was taken to McDonald's for a meal with my whole family, and given a huge cheesecake.

Mervin should be thankful. He has such kind and thoughtful friends, who gave him a birthday to remember * HAHAHA *

Happy belated 21st birthday Mervin:D

queen shelby said...

How come when you all say Die Hard in my head i'm thinking of Mel Gibson and not Bruce Willis... =/

Hasten: I dont believe.. I know you're a champion gold medal swimmer etc, but still... with hands tied, you'd drown,no?

Su: Shaddup!!!! Its different okay... Last time there was no weight goal. And i realize in our society its practically impossible to avoid eating late night, so must do it with much wisdom.

Obi Mun: Show off...Hurmph!

Mel : Yup, memorable is the word. Even later in the car park while waiting in the freaking 1 hour plus jam to get out, some dude came to the car, knocked on the back passenger window where Merv was and shouted "Happy Birthday"

Anonymous said...

Mel Gibson?!? In Die Hard?!?
