Saturday, October 21, 2006

Our stand

Since the 11th, the day the exam slips were given out and the news of 4 coursemates being barred was spead, we've been so frustrated and bitter because of the unfairness of it all. The more we talked about it, the more fired up we got because this horrible treatment we have had to endure the past two semesters, but the act of barring our friends was really over the limit.

"The ball is in your court. It is your prerogative as uni students to do something about it, or else it will continue. At least if you did something, it could cause change, and not only for yourselves but for the students to come."

Hearing that, i realised- it is absolutely true. If we just complain and moan and groan and whine among ourselves, what good would it do except increase the grrrrrr feeling inside.

So after discussing with a few pals, i said i'd go back and write a letter of complaint, and we as a class should sign it to show that it's a collective agreement that we have had enough.

As i wrote it though, i was apprehensive. Would my fellow coursemates step up to the plate, or would they, at the crunch point, back down due to fear... And this is the only thing this lecturer has over us- because her position will enable her to mark us badly in the coming exam. Some said, "Send it later on, so that the grades wont be harmed". But no- that's exactly what was the problem. We wanted to show our disappointment and disatisfaction for having a lecturer with such unprofessional qualities, and also our sadness and outrage over the unfair act towards our friends. It had to be now, for although it cant un-bar them, it tells the Humanities School, "Look, what was done wasn't right, and we all know it. We are not afraid to voice it." Later on would be too late, and in time- forgotten. Swept under the mengkuang mat, as Dr. Shakila would say.

Did my classmates submit to Fear?

I'm so proud to say that they did not.

All but two who attended the last lecture signed the letter. While it was being circulated, out the corner of my eye i was observing their reaction and response to it. Some immediately took out their pens, while others passed it on at first [Fear], only to sign later on [Courage].

This act, though seemingly small, is our voice.

May it be heard.

**In an unrelated incident, i just realised earlier today that i lost my beloved green jacket yesterday. Somewhere from my class at DK Q to PPIK, such a short distance. I must've set it down without realising. Gah! Am sad. Jacket was nice and had the worn feeling. Hope the Reject Shop still has the same one.**


Anonymous said...

Hooray for the little dudes!

Anonymous said...

if u had sent the letter after the term was over, at least the dean would know that this is no knee-jerk reaction n there is something really wrong...but then again u all could have cooled down n the effect wont be so great..

Anonymous said...

i always thought that i should have stood up to more teachers n lecturers! u guys doing the right thing!

Anonymous said...

letters don't work
overturn the authority
viva la revolucion!

Andrew said...

I'm so proud of you all! You all got balls!