Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Big Galoot

This is life sometimes.

You can be happily jumping off your seat, running to go play with your doggy, and not noticing a wet patch, slip and fall heavily on both knees. Thankfully with working reflexes, your arms fly out in time to prevent you from busting your chin on the floor. Instead of being sayanged, you get chided for not being more alert.

Speed = distance ÷ time

Acceleration = Change of speed ÷ time

Force = Mass x Acceleration

With the help of an ex-Physics undergraduate, we calculated the force of impact my knees underwent was ±2200N.

Thats life i guess, sh*t happens unexpectedly. Just like how you can be feeling so happy, and something microscopic happens and your mood can alter dramatically.

Ooh- the word microscopic reminds me of when Mr. Bean used it to describe the painting of Whistler's Mother. I miss Mr. Bean's old stuff, i cant imagine a generation now, that's growing up not knowing Mr. Bean and Mind Your Language and The deprived! I think i'm very glad i was born when i was born. I wouldn't wanna be born now, i think.

So anyway- back to the matter. It looks like, in order to not suffer such pain i've either got to lessen my mass, or slow down time. Since slowing down time's impossible, its about losing weight. Its always about the weight! Damn CLEO and its constant 10 Tips to a Trim Tum or 5 Steps to a Bikini Body!!! *pui !*

But its not about weight, since that's merely the physical and stuff that happens on the outside is nothing compared to what goes on in the inside.

Its a happy day though, inspite of what i think i know i feel inside. Much better to be happy for no reason than to be not happy for no reason.

I'm just a big galoot.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You clumsy girl. Doink-ed your head at Langkawi, now your leg. Next? Should've taken the pic when you banged your head.

Anonymous said...

Erm...*brilliant idea*...kneepads! Helmets! Or better yet..a FAT SUIT! Padded from head to toe, you are safe from yourself cuz you'd be too lazy to move. And with Malaysian weather, you'd just sweat like a...a sweaty thing inside a fat suit and shed kgs quickly. Inside a fat suit, you would eventually experience a decrease in weight (water loss) and your speed would go down dramatically. Ta-dah! Oh and since the suit is so cumbersome, you'd take forever to do everything and thus feel like time has slowed down.

Anyday now my Nobel Prize will come in the mail...

I close with the words of Nelson from the Simpsons...*points finger* Ha-Haaaa....

Anonymous said...

It's great how you can write about something like falling down and grazing your knee like it's a big post :D. Cool!

Btw, I agree with ya - kids these days don't know Mr. Bean or Mind Your Language. I LOVED MYL! Hilarious! :P

Anonymous said...

Chill dude. I'm not sure you know how that phrase is used. 'Shit happens' is another way of saying 'Oh well, bad stuff happens *shrug*'. It has no other implication really. It's like the phrase...'that's some bad shit right there...' when referring to when something bad happens. But it is a crude way to say it so yes, it isn't very polite. But don't read into it. And Shelby...go wash you mouth out with soap...haha.

Andrew said...

Sepandai - pandai monyet putih melompat. Akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga.

Anonymous said...

Andrew wins! Bravo! Somebody give him some money!

Anonymous said...

You poor thing. I'm like you, Shelb. I hit my elbow against the table, stub my toe against the door, hit my head against the car door frame, fall down the stairs at Pusat Bahasa, fall off the stage when I was in kindy.

* Sigh * The list goes on.

But not to worry. Life can only get more interesting.

Anonymous said...

funny lar you .. ahaha .. its been awhile since i read ur stories ... usually its boring are u ? ur knee ok ? still can run around ..? the equation given given f=ma ? that is the force is acting forward rite .. ? the actuall force when u falling down must start by integrating ur body into certain proportion ... so tat can obtain the total mass on ur knee ( can be obtain using parallel axis theorem )multiply with gravititional force add with the accelartion u r running with multiply with tan (the angle u fell down ) and multiply agian with ur mass .. cant believe i draw diagram for this .. shelby take care !
