Sunday, November 13, 2005

What to do...

What do you do when you know you should do something, but dont do it cause you think its better if you dont, but you cant sit easy knowing its not done....

I've said before i'm bad at confrontation.

But now i'm so annoyed. Someone who i thought i knew has changed. Behaviour is so different. Nothing like what i thought it would be. And i dont get why...

Its happened often enough that now i just dont care anymore.
I'm not gonna preach to the person, he should know better.
Its even worse when the parents are involved and i've got to put on a smiley face and act like all is peachy.
I dont mind covering for my friends, but not if they keep me in the dark.
Got a call from his parents just now, i didnt pick up.
I dowanna pretend to be what i'm not.
Nor cover for him.
Nor act like all is fine.

If only i could just say, "Look, stop calling me, i'm not who you should be talking to. Talk to your own son"

*oh my gosh, as i write this, got another call from the parents. Sucks*


toPher said...

wa...why everybody's parents like to call u lar... tsk tsk... =p

jess said...

i think you should talk to the person. i hate confrontations too, but blogging it is just going to make the person read it and go, hmm why didnt she talk to me about it? dont worry, we always anticipate it worse than it really is. :)

queen shelby said...

well Jess,
the thing is, whats the point of a blog ?
Is it to please ppl or please myself?
When i started it,its wasnt really for the sake of others, and i dont really want it to be. Its mine, thus i'm putting what i want into it.
I'm not about to start another blog thats secret where i can only put "my real thoughts"
(although some have, and always seems to get discovered...kekeke)

Worry not, all is well now.. =)

Oh- just a thought, did it occur to u that maybe i wanted the somebody to find out in this manner...? =p