Thursday, November 17, 2005


My eyes ache
My back aches
My brain aches
My heart aches
My mouth aches
My fingers ache
My entire being aches

I'm fed up, and glad the uni is so big i can disappear
I'm also re-thinking what i post on blogs, maybe should just not post stuff thats actually real, and just be chirpy and cheery like a Brady Bunch family member.

Which means i shouldnt even post what i wrote above.

Thinking too much.

Lets see, one happy thing that happened today...

Have actually thought for 5mins and cant think of anything
This is bad.
Ever had the feeling of just going somewhere far far away...
Further away than Penang la, as is obviously not far enough.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I hate the bloody idiots that dont bloody well deserve to drive.
I usually stay away from the hate word cause i feel its too harsh to be used...
Last week my brother lost his friend in a car accident.
Only couple of hours after hanging out with Cam.

The guy was driving along with his bro, in the slow lane, following speed limit when a bloody car that was racing came up from behind and hit his car slightly. The car spun, and flipped onto the fast lane. They were both alive, but as he was getting out of the car, another car that was racing (prob chasing the fisrt car) slammed into the car. He died trying to get out.

why are people so damn stupid?
Now i know why my mom worries so much when i come home late
And i dont blame her
Just look at the death rate over this past festive season
What a waste of life
Complete and utter waste

So all you genius ppl out there, that LOVE to tell you're driving tales of how u JUST missed banging into this, or how FAST you managed to get your car to or how you managed to make it somewhere in ONLY so-n-so minutes...
Brilliant. Keep it up.
Who knows, you MIGHT just actually kill someone.

Would be a great story to tell, eh?

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