Saturday, November 19, 2005

News Today

Popped up to the cafe while waiting for my notes to be photocopied downstairs

Laughed at article in today's paper bout World Toilet Day
Suggested having toilet bowls with extra part so those that MUST squat can squat ...
And flush-able floor and walls...

Thinking of my public toilet experiences.....shudder...avoid them at all costs
Oh no, will be coming back by bus, and if the driver doesnt chose a well-kept stop
Die lah

Also another article about a man being haunted by a female ghost that keeps trying to have sex with him.

Yesterday was even MORE hilarious, though sad at the same time.As 13year old boy gave a man a BJ for RM2 so he could go to the CYBER CAFE!!! TWO BUCKS ! And it was int he paper cause the man REFUSED to pay the boy. TWO BUCKS...So, the boy got angry cause kena con and went n told his mom.

Dang man, what is the world coming to.

This is quite cute, in today's Star:

Artificial way to breed dispassionate pandas

MALE giant pandas are notoriously not at all amorous – only one in 10 makes an effort to mate.
And to make matters worse, females are very picky about Mr Right.
(who isnt?)

Certainly not encouraging if the endangered species has to thrive, but one good sign is a “hands-off” approach that is working well.
This year, 25 pandas were born through artificial insemination, of which 21 survived, a record since China started trying the method in the 1960s, reports Xinhua.

“It's undoubtedly a boon,” said Zhang Zhihe, director of the Chengdu-based Giant Panda Breeding Technology Committee.
Zoologists artificially impregnated 38 giant pandas nationwide in the spring and the 25 were born in the fall, Zhang told Xinhua on Thursday.
He said 16 of the surviving baby pandas were born at the Wolong Giant Panda Breeding and Research Centre in Sichuan Province, including two sets of twins.
The Wolong centre has reported a 100% newborn survival rate for five years in a row.

“We owe this achievement to Chinese scientists. They have acquired the technology and experience after years of hard work.”
Last year, 30 artificially-fertilized giant pandas produced 12 offspring but only nine survived.

– China Daily


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