Saturday, April 30, 2005

Locked out of the house, entrapped in a game

Last Monday night, me, my brother and my dad got locked out of the house...Only mom was fast asleep in her bad. How come? Well, mom forgot to take the key out from the door on the inside, so those outside couldn’t get it. And my house phone not working, so couldn’t call. And her handphone was in the living room, so she couldn’t hear. Basically, we couldn’t get her and so we all found our own place to stay for the night.

Li Yee was supposed to stay over that night, so we were in a pickle. Ended up in Samuel's house and we decided to play RISK, modern style, using network-ed computers. Lemme say first off that I had never, ever played RISK before and Li only once, so we were literally new-bees. Attempted 2 games, both were cut short thanks to the laptop batt dying out, and the second time it hung...

At that time me and Li were one team, Samuel another, and Chris n Joe the 3rd team, they were in another room. After the 2 mini games, we got so sick of Samuel's noise, he was literally talking to the computer monitor, and at one point I’m convinced he was speaking in tongues. Then Timothy came in, and started giving team Numanuma (me and Li) advice... Not that we didn’t appreciate him helping, but we preferred to do it on our own, learn from the bottom up. So for the start of the 3rd game, we chose to take the other room, locked the doors, didnt let anyone in and refused any help or advice.

And so it began, the third and final game. I and Li had gotten a better hang of it, and we're determined to prove the guys wrong. Sorry la, but this is the part I cant stand, they think they're so great, from the start already look down on us, so me and Li really focused this time, and guess what ?!?!? They got a real good challenge, and bottom line, me and Li WON!!!! The com hung again, after the 3hour+ game, but the statistics show that we were on top, and so, so, SO near to completing our mission. The guys will say "no la, not counted cause the game didn’t properly end...etc..." but WHATEVER! We still won. It’s a lesson to be learned...See what you get when you underestimate first timers...

Slept at 6am, woke up at 7am...did errands, showered, went to work by 10. Was a zombie the whole day. Hope this won’t get back to my boss..hahaha...


-- J e e L e e -- said...

Shel, u tipu ppl come ur dates for the post so different. I was oni reading ur blog just now earlier and there was no such post. And den, now dat i read it...(it's 3rd May btw) there's a post there dated, sat 30th April...?? ur comp date sumthing wrong issit??


queen shelby said...

oh, i think its because i started writing it on th e 30th,saved it as draft cause got no time, then continued on the 2nd...It must've just used the original date or whatever...I where got tipu wan...Always happens,i start an entry,no time to finish so keep it for later...

Su said...

Oh! SO there are new risk challengers! Time for battle! :P