Sunday, April 03, 2005

April Fool's Fool

Urgh. Why is it a great prank can turn so wrong...?!? Really,some people just dont have a sense of humour...I'll write what i can here as a reminder to think a million times before doing something.

Twas the 1st of April and all was well,
"Time to think of a prank" thought naughty Shel
She mused and pondered and finally said,
"I'll message my friend and mess with his head!"

So she typed out the message ever so carefully
Spent 20minutes just to make it fit perfectly,
And just as she went to press the send button,
A voice in her head said "Dont be so rotten!"

"But its only a joke,what harm can it do?
Especially for the person its being sent to,
He probably will get tricked for half a minute
And figure it out and laugh in good spirit"

Well,the button was pressed,the wheels in motion,
She sat back to wait for his reply and emotion,
Minutes went by, one, two then three,
Yet not a reply, nor a comment from he.

She forgot all about it,thought it didnt work
She heard a beep-beep,and started to smirk
"At last it came!We shall see if he got conned,
There must be something since he chose to respond"

His responce wasnt at all what she expected!
Oh how she laughed and with glee she gloated,
So she replied him the usual "Happy April Fool's Day"
But he was NOT happy and had something to say.

He told me i shouldn't have done what i did
It was bad to mess with his head and to kid
About something so serious and dangerous too
And to that obviously,i couldnt argue!

So i said my sorries and expressed my regret,
And speedily enough he answered "No sweat!"
Obviously i thought that eveything was now cool,
Here's where the tables turned, and i became fool.

You see, he wasnt okay,actually far from it
Probably his ego wouldnt allow him to admit
He avoided eye contact and didnt talk to me,
Didnt answer my calls,claimed he was busy

Now here's the part where she got real annoyed
It was a joke,to take lightly,and be enjoyed
But his behavior wasnt called for, she felt
Appologized again,but still he didnt melt.

"Fine! If thats the way he wants to be!
I'm not gonna pretend to be in misery"
So she left it at that,since thats what he wished
Who cares if the friendship they had was finnished

Okayla,so it wasnt really THAT dramatic
And i've written so much, i'll end it quick
Its amazing how i can actually rhyme
Although i realize its a waste of time!

She discussed with 2 buddies what she should do
After an hour they still had no clue!
One fellow tried to be hero,spoke to him,
Ended up telling lies on some crazy whim

So she decided she'll settle it face to face
They got in her car and went to his place
Her friends hid in the bushes,she called him out
She didnt know if he would laugh or shout

It turns out,his reaction wasnt so bad
He just needed time,and for that she was glad
Kiss they did not,but make up they did
While in the bushes the 2 jokers still hid!

She called them to come out of their hiding place
And laughed at the look of surprise on his face
They all confessed how idiotic they behaved
She was just thankful that the day was saved

They sat, they talked,they laughed,they sighed
About life and the future and the world outside
Time flew by,they had talked till so late
In her mind she was thankful for friends so great

Here ends the tale,of a very long day
And i know what everyone will say
"Play pranks some more la,just wait and see
You'll end up the fool, for all eternity!

Hehehe, that was fun to write. Some how a horrible day can be made to sound so cute... Well,thats my creativity drained for a while. Boring one line blogs to come...goody!


Anonymous said...

hey girl,
that was really a pleasure to read! not bad at all.. :)

toPher said...

kononlar your blog very boring...tsk tsk..