Thursday, November 05, 2009

Walking Disaster


Anonymous said...

Most entertaining 2.5 minutes of my day. XD

Rudi said...

Sure beats wee willy woes!

imissw said...

nice one! lol!!!!!

it would be funnier if u just posted it without any video footage - just the sound!!!!

queen shelby said...

Anon: Glad I could brighten up your day... Most who watch it laugh first and then feel a little sorry when they see what happened to my feet at the end.
So I hope you felt a little sympathy for me too!

Rudi: Yeah, I made extra sure I spelt Wellie correctly. ;)

ObiMun: Hmmm...Not sure that would be wise. Kinda sounds like I'm having trouble getting a lid off a jar.

If you heard me asking someone for help, it was actually Moss, my aunt's dog who was just sitting watching me throughout the whole ordeal.