Friday, July 11, 2008

Once upon a time...

A few weeks ago, some of my girlfriends visited another girlfriend. We hadn't seen each other in a while and so we were doing the whole updates thing, whats new etc etc.

As per normal, the question of who's dating who arose, and we told her that none of our 'gang' is dating anyone. She found that a bit strange cause out of 9 people, everyone is single. You would think that at least 1 out of 9 would be attached...

Then again, upon further thought, out of that nine, 4 are not interested in having any relationships for the time being, 2 are unable to for now and that leaves only 3 who say they wouldn't mind.

Getting back to the visit, this girlfriend who is in a position to give an 'outsiders/objective' opinion said that there are only 2 good male candidates in the church, that fit within the age group that we were discussing.

However, out of those 2 - one is not a possibility at all. So its down to just the other one.

Coming back to the 3 girls, 2 of them cannot pair up with the remaining guy, so that leaves only one girl and one guy.

Which led me to imbas kembali to what one of the girlfriends said about TLC guys to a girl in another assembly, 'There is a kemarau of guys in our church...' When I heard she said that, i laughed like mad but at the same time totally agreed!

This of course, is if you're looking at the situation within the church.

We coined this term (previously used by Kevin) to easily separate the wheat from the chaff: cannot make it.

There are other people who say its ideal to find someone during uni years. Right... Well, from what I (and others) concluded, guys in the CF i went to majority cannot make it - not to say that they suck, they are lovely, nice boys and all, but... cannot make it.

I asked a friend in another CF, 'What about the guys there?'
'All cannot make it.'

We discussed how some 'organizations' have camps that bring different fellowships together, and maybe, MAYBE one of the background agendas is to let people meet people. Alright, fair enough. But if the guys from this CF cannot make it, and the guys from that CF cannot make it, then no difference right?
Ah, we concluded, perhaps a guy from CF A's level of cannot make it, is a can make it for a girl from CF B and so on. It was a funny conversation.

I told my girlfriend that I'm not bothered, and I'm very happy with where my life is now. She said we are still young enough to not feel it, but once we're older [27-29] and those in the gang start to pair off and get married [!], then we will feel the pressure, sadness and loneliness etc. I hope I wont have that sense of not being 'complete' without the whole 'ideal' package. A Swine Squat told me if I don't watch out, I'll end up a low ku por. Hurmph! Never mind, I can start a cool, happening low ku por's group and we'll 'complete' each other. Hahahaha...

As the future unfolds, it will be fun to see what happens to the TLC princesses...

...will they each find a prince?
(Hahahah, they all look so bodoh)

... and get their own versions of happily ever after?

(this is just a fun post, not to be taken too seriously by anyone)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hmmm... somebody secretly wants to be Ariel huh :P
okay la, we have to start looking out for a low ku por house already