Monday, July 07, 2008


And thats that.

Today is the first day of the new academic year in USM. The second years are now the third years, the first years are now the second years and a whole new batch of freshies are walking around campus.

Feeling rather nostalgic.

I have spent the past 2months feeling like it's just semester break, and although i've said my goodbyes to people, I still haven't gotten used to the idea of not going back to campus.

USM is a beautiful campus. I don't care what people say, USM is special and those that get to study there are really privileged.

I guess I appreciated the surroundings because I used to go jogging around campus, and take walks around the lake. It was during those occasions where I had my 'alone time', and I would recommend anyone still there to take time out in the evenings and take a walk up to the USM Guest House, where you have a beautiful view of the sky as the sun sets, or if you're REALLY rajin, get up early and watch the sunrise. It's worth doing it at least once.

The cheapest form of spending quality time together is by sitting by Tasik Harapan, because its FOC. If you feel like splurging, then you can share the price of a loaf of bread and feed the fish (and other water creatures)- its fun!

Or just chill there by yourself and contemplate the meaning of life.

Oh well. I had 3 wonderful years there, and I'm thankful for that.

The schedule is out and the next time I go back is for my convocation which is on the 15th of August. Looking forward to meeting up with all of my friends, hopefully I'll have the time. We'll see.



Christopher Koh said...

USM is the bomb-lar.

Anonymous said...

Get a job already.