Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cold Feet

I walk to work, and today it was pouring rain.

Rain is not a problem for me except I do not have the right footwear, and my shoes ended up flooded. Yuck.

As soon as i got to work, (cheh wah, i'm using the word 'work') I went to the toilet to disgustingly perah the water out of my socks. It was beyond wearing, so I spent most of the day kaki ayam.

Guess with my first paycheck I'm gonna get myself a pair of these, since its acceptable to wear in the office (woot! I said 'office' hahaha...)

Though I'm not exactly fond of the design, its practical for rainy days and hopefully it'll grow on me. Not the ori ones, cant afford that. The non-Croc remakes are being sold all around, I'll just get a pair.

Other things on the list of stuff to get is a cheap pair of sneakers, jeans and discipline.


Jon said...

Hey hey! How's the working world treating ya?

Wanna retire yet? :P

queen shelby said...

Keke, not yet! Ask me again in a month though...

Its been kind so far, but thats cause I'm still new so there's not much work dumped on me,yet...