Saturday, March 29, 2008

For Real

I've been meaning to blog about this since the beginning of the month, but just never got round to doing it. Recently the pictures were sent to me AND its to publicize an event happening tonight.

A month ago, I got an sms from a friend asking for help cause she was in a desperate situation. Her course final year project was 2days away, and one of the MC's for the event pulled out last minute so she was asking me if i could do it. *Sweat* I thought about it for a while, and told her if she really couldn't find anyone else, i'd do it. What are friends for... ;p
(apparently Chris, yes you, was asked but said no. He would've done a million times better than me)

My fear was that i wouldn't be prepared enough with the necessary info because it is a charity event, against domestic violence, and the whole campaign had been running for a month, with a walk at Youth Park the climax of the whole thing.

I had a crash course on the campaign, ACT for A Change Today, as the NemGrads (New Milleneum Graduates, Public Relations/Persuasion students of the Communication School) briefed me on the objectives, history etc.

Cut a long story short, i did it and i think overall i didn't do too badly considering there was no script and it was kinda last minute.

It started before the sun rose, and i got to use a cool wireless headset.

Of course, there were moments of headache, like when the VIP didn't arrive on time, and no one knew when exactly he'd be arriving. Damn VIP's that come late. I have no respect for them whatsoever.

Unexpected changes and alterations that weren't told to the MC's which left us going, huh?

But the biggest "perk" of the whole thing i think would be getting to introduce Juwita Suwito on stage. She is the bomb! He voice is really nice, and listening to her makes people like me who think about taking singing lessons realize i should 'Get Real'.

Now i'll briefly have me syiok sendiri moment. She sang one of my FAV songs, Teman Sejati, which was very meaningful to me when i was going through a tough time early last year. I knew all the words, and hearing her sing it live was AMAZING! Well, i was nicely standing watching her, singing along when she comes down from the stage, and walks towards the area where i was standing. "She can't be walking over here..." i thought.

She was.

Walked right up to me.

And passed me the mike! Gah!!!!!!

It was both wonderful and horrible all at the same time!
Here i was, with a local celeb with a power voice, butchering her song...

It was just for a few lines, and i know its not THAT big a deal but still- it was a great experience. And i had to restrain myself for telling people in case they thought i was bragging.

During another person's performance, i ran from my MC post to her booth where she was signing CD's. Got to speak to her a little, and she said i reminded her of one of the sisters in the Amazing Race Malaysian team.

Happy! She's a nice person, seriously For REAL and not pretentious.

Why am i blogging about it now?

She'll be up in Penang tonight, performing with some dude called Liang (who looks super familiar, but i can't place him).
Its a Christian event, held in Trinity Church, opposite Greenlane McDonalds. Time 7.30-10pm

Sure to be good, so come!


Anonymous said...

j.suwito i like!!

Andrew said...


Christopher Koh said...

You found the real singer in you!

Anonymous said...

Check out Juwita's concert photos taken by our official photographer: !

Also, we’re hosting another concert this month, details here: