Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Taking the Plunge

To answer the previous ambiguous post: On Sunday the 23rd of March 2008, around 7pm- i got Baptised.
Yup, i took the plunge (literally).
I guess i have to backtrack a lil cause the decision to do it came as a surprise to many, not cause i hadn't thought about it masak-masak, but because i just didn't tell everyone my thoughts.

Ok, here it goes. many years ago, when i was still in my teens, i had asked mom about baptism, and she said she would prefer if i waited till i was 21 before deciding. So i put it off till then, but even once 21 came and went, i left it. Few months ago, i started to seriously think about it again and realized it's time.

Milkmaids unite! Veils personally made courtesy of Auntie Fang!

I'm sure some of you're wondering why i didn't just wait and do it back home. Well, i feel the 3years here have helped me grow spiritually and that the church here has provided an environment where i feel comfortable and welcomed. NOT that Life Chapel hasn't, its just different. Also, the 'burden' or thoughts of doing it here feels right, can't quite explain. Maybe its a good closing to my Uni chapter.

It wasn't pushed on me to do by anyone, i was thinking about it to myself for a long time and when i actually approached my church elder, he already had assumed i was baptised. However, once discovering i wasn't, he did challenge me as to why i wasn't, which i feel very grateful for because no one has ever really challenged me before. Furthermore, he helped me understand what baptism was about. Lemme put it this way, for the longest time, i had this misconception of Baptism, and i had always thought it was a big step where you can only take it once you are a 'serious' Christian and have 'settled' your issues with God.

Now i get to the part where i didn't tell anyone about it except my family. My parents, to my uttermost delight wanted to come up, and really made my day.

The norm is to tell and invite people to come beramai-ramai to witness your baptism, well- i didn't invite anyone. This was a personal preference, and i don't like it when others shove their preferences down my throat. I honestly don't see it as something for others to celebrate. It is a big deal to me and at the same time it's not a big deal. Its a step of obedience 10years overdue, and thats it. You wanna talk about it being a public profession, well there was about 200 people there. Then there's those who think i was in a way obligated to tell them because of our friendship, and that by purposely not i'm going against the whole public profession thing. All i can say is bottom line, we just gotta agree to disagree.

It was a happy day, and i was really glad that it was with two of my friends whom i've journeyed with this past 3years. Knowing them personally, sharing our struggles together and deepening our bond of friendship is a real treasure to me.

Another small joy was that Uncle Pek Bing, who wasn't originally scheduled to do any dunking, did dunk us (after we made a personal request- kekeke). It meant alot to us because he has been a great source of knowledge, guidance and someone whom i really respect and look up to.

So all in all, at the end of the day the thing that stuck in my mind was that God is Good. That thought ran through my head as i was sitting waiting for my turn, when i was watching the others and once it was over and i hugged my parents.

USMers that came.

2 Timothy 3:14-15
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.


Andrew said...

Happy for you! Congrats! Go girl! a new journey begins! :-)

Anonymous said...

i am lost ....


queen shelby said...

Thanks Andrew!

Muharram : Go wikipedia it...

yan said...


really didnt know you were taking the plunge :p

nvr say anything oso