Friday, March 14, 2008

(Rain) Cloud Nine

"I'm so happy...and i've got this stupid smile on my face all the time, i'll be walking along and i think about him and i'll suddenly just be happy and have a stupid face."

For several weeks now, since my friend first confided in me about her interest for this guy (what else), i knew that she had surely fallen hook, line and sinker for the dude. And although she sillily tried to fake it at first with me, yesterday she sheepishly 'confessed' to me that they are together.

Kwa kwa kwa...

I so knew it was going to happen, and i told her from the start.

From when she first began to mention his name with increasing frequency, to the many calls and sms's i noticed she got, she tried to keep level headed about it. Tried to sound sensible, and assured me that she had no hopes of anything, just take it as it comes, just friends etc. etc.

But, of course, actions speak louder than words. When a person gets in the 'zone' of still having a goofy grin 10minutes after reading an sms, or dives for the phone with hopes that its him/her, you just know.

I'm happy for her. Happy she's happy.



Hasten said...

2 months.

Anonymous said...

u sound very experienced !! heard someone, saying nothing lar ! he was cold just share the sweater ...

Hahaha ... what is with the but ? I dont see u writing about ur dar dar here !!!
