Monday, July 03, 2006


I'm back again. Was a really tiring weekend, since we had meetings and planning all day and i stayed up for 2 1/2 of the 4 World Cup matches. Thankfully we managed to cover everything.

I got back at 3am, and after sleeping the 4+hours in the bus i wasn't too sleepy yet so i went online for a while. Looking through blogs, i read a post on that got me quite disgusted and horrified. It appears there was this girl fight in some school in Miri, and it was recorded by a student with a camera phone and uploaded to the web. Dunno how or why but its somewhere on YouTube.

I watched the clip, which was 6minutes long and felt so horrified. It was all in chinese, so i'm not sure what it was all about la, but basically the victim had probably said something bad about one of the girls, and the girls were confronting her. It was so unfair because there were 2 girls verbally attacking 1. The victim refused to answer the screaming girls, and just hung her head in silence. Thats when it started getting physical- the 2 main thugs started slapping her, and pushing her around. All the while screaming stuff at her. The poor girl just stood there...She got pushed from one area to another, and they yanked at her hair, making her head jerk from side to side. Then someone used something (couldnt see properly, could be a belt or rope) and whacked her on her legs and butt. It was disgusting behaviour.

The worst thing is, there were guys standing around, observing the incident but doing squat...! It was obviously a planned thing, as the weren't strangers to the bunch, and seemed like they were supposed to not get involved. Only about 5minutes into it did one guy come and say "Ok- enough already" and put his arms around the victim leading her away.Even then, the 2 bullies kept trying to whack the girl...

I know school is a sucky place, and sh*tty things happen, but never before have i seen or heard of girls doing such a thing. I remember once in school, there were 2 girls that faught just outside their classroom; one slapped the other, and she slapped back, pull-hair etc. But that was over within about 20seconds, cause it was a very public area and the teachers were there.

What scares me the most, is that its not gangsterism- that one, fights that happen are like, d-u-h... These looked like ordinary school girls that were angry at someone about something and chose to handle it in a barbaric manner. What disappoints me the most is the attitudes of the other people there- the girls that jeered, and the guys that did nothing.

For me, i feel that if you have an issue with someone- you go and confront 1-on-1. Should a fight happen, although i dont agree with it, at least its' fair.

Are school kids nowadays so cruel? So heartless? So bold?

I was just wondering, in the clip- out of the 8 or so people that were there (could be more, i cant rmb) how come none of them had any guts to put a stop to it? The fact that it was recorded alone speaks volumes...Halfway through, when the camera was changing angle, one girl that happened to appear in view smiled and did a peace sign... WTH?!?! It was as if she was totally not affected by what was going on...

To me the bullies/thugs/assailants are disgusting, and those around them are spineless, brainless cowards. Regardless of whatever wrongs the victim did, no one has the right to treat another human being that way.

All those involved will be punnished. I dont doubt that. What goes around comes around...

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