Friday, July 28, 2006

Movie review : The Lake H0use

It's 100% for those that are suckers for romances, those that pretend not to love romances, those that feel lukewarm about romances and those that think romances are a waste of time...

Most would have watched Speed, a zillion years ago, and now Keanu and Sandra are back- ten years later with a movie less action packed, but equally satisfying.
The plot is so bizarre and unbelievable, but hey- what romance is without a lil element of magic, eh?
So obviously if you go watching it with a synical mind, duh it doesn't make sense! But that applies to all movies- so might as well not watch at all and spend days reading the telephone directory...

Two people living at the same house, but separated by 2 years. They communicate via letters (see how important letter writing can be... =p ) and the banter between them is so so so nice. And i tell you, Alex does such romantic things for Kate that its like, sigh *starry eyed!*

Its not as corny as i thought it would be, and a certain scene even brought tears to my eyes.. (also to Kevin's eyes,who's a hardcore gore movie fan e.g Saw [yuck!] )

But for me, the biggest attraction of the movie was him:

He's left handed, like me!


Overall a good watch. I would definately go and watch it again, even on a non Wednesday.
Actually, i do wanna watch it again, cause many things i missed out and didnt observe closely...Small details that add so much to the movie.
I can't spoil the ending, but it had Chris,Suria, Kevin and i all holding our breaths and squealing like pigs.

ps: Only thing that makes me sad is that Keanu Reeves is getting old...and it shows...sigh

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