Friday, February 17, 2006

For goodness sake, Just Silence ur Handphone!

I dowanna get old...
Not talking about the "19 going on 20" angst. Talking bout 83year old kinda old.

My grandpa was admitted into hospital last Thursday. Basically, the blood in his foot was not flowing properly, and it was getting to a bad state- V. painful and turning black. Problem was, doctors were afraid to operate because he has a weak heart and they feared his heart couldn't take it...Sigh, dilemma indeed. Got to a point where if they didn’t do anything, the foot would get so bad it would need to be amputated; operate and there's no confirmation that he'd handle the anesthetic.

Yesterday, he went into the operating theater, docs said operation had to be done. My mom called to tell me about it, and I was quite numb. Didn’t know what to feel...She told me "Ah Kong was scared, and asking everyone to pray for him...just pray" So I did.

Thank God 4 hours later got the news that it went well, and he was put into the ICU for observation and recovery.
Went to visit him today and the stubborn cow refuses to eat- no matter how hard we try, convince him to eat- he won’t. For breakfast, all he had was a small slice of bread and Milo. Sigh sigh...The sorta sweet thing is he'll only eat with my grandma's help, or when she's around. He wants to be sayang-ed I think. But his fussiness is driving us up the wall, cause
he don’t eat = not strong = needs drip = longer recovery= more worry

The corridors in the hospital are horrible- cold, empty, hollow, bright, unwelcoming, gah! Disliked it. What’s worse, and absolutely unprofessional are the hospital workers that were bing-bang-bonging as they went about their chores, like, hello?!?! Quiet Please signs everywhere and yet there they are letting doors swing shut and knocking their big trolleys going around corners...Terrible attitudes...

One visitor, totally rude and thick skinned, walked into the ICU area talking on his hp using the hands free kit that dangles 5inches from your mouth, speaking LOUD as ever, and it was a long conversation... DIRECTLY opposite him was a No Hand phone sign. Bloody inconsiderate fool I tell you, I kept giving him dirty looks to get him to shut up...Crap man, ppl sleeping, resting, recovering and he's oblivious to the world...If I see him again, I will make noise for sure.
Hello Hospital people?!?!? where are you?!? What are you getting paid for?!?!?!?!?!? Its bad enough in the normal wards (kids running and screaming bloody murder, hp's going off, ppl talking as if need the whole world to hear them...etc.) but I was frustrated to see it happening in a place where people are just outta surgery, and they have to put up with it.


i strayed from my initial fears of aging but, no matter...

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