Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tis the season to be jolly....

I baked today. Well, fake baking actually, just put all the ingredients together and put em in the bread maker...
Me being itchy fingers wanted more than just normal, white bread- so i added raisins...
But i was so nervous cause the dough didnt look anything like when my mom did it the last time, and i kept going back to peep into it every 5mins to see how it was doing...

Thoughts that were going through my mind:
~Dough was too wet looking
~It wasn't gonna rise enough
~The raisins will cause havoc in the dough...
~why didnt i just follow the recipe
~Mom is gonna laugh her head off at me..


cheng cheng cheng

It turned out well, not wonderful or glorious but just nice.
Cut myself a slice, spread butter on it while it was still warm so it melted in, and had a cuppa tea...
I'm so content

Except that i've just discovered my X'mas tree lights are spoilt (cannot for the life of me understand HOW it ALWAYS happens...We only use them ONCE a year, and then pack em away...The lights have an 11 month holiday, what could possible make them not work...Grrr! Lazy bums...)


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