Saturday, December 17, 2005

777,600 seconds and counting

Ish, my mom is hogging the t.v.
At the moment Queer Eye For the Straight Guy is on...Itsorait lah, but i'm bored with it.
I've got slightly more than a week to go, before i'm going back to Penang... I get depressed everytime i think about it. Penang's great, but its not home. Its not the same.
I"ll be going back to another cycle of uni and my LDR and all that jazz...So tiring and its torture just thinking about it....sadness

*think happy thoughts*

The TLC choir went to Melaka today, hope they did well- and got the narration down fine. Thier last performance i heard had alotta unfortunate missed lines. Most will be staying over, but Mr. Beautiful is coming back, to help me with my shopping, he's the master shopaholic... Friday i helped paint the huge HOPE backdrop, and it is covered in silver glitter- *sparkly sparkly!* Of course the glitter got everywhere as well, as glitter always does.
I wonder how glitter is made...And if the factory workers go back everyday all glittery...

Today went to Sunway's Open Day to support Daniel's bottle checking contraption...That was okay, i'm impressed with the projects- seems so very complicated. Went One U after, got some things, but still for my family i cant figure out what to buy...

I'm tired, i'm going to bed...The highlight of the day would be when i saw this book in MPH entitled the Extraordinary Pig...Hilarious la, if it wasn't so not worth the price i'd get it.

Kay, thinking happy thoughts didnt work...
The clock is time here is running out.
9days x 24 = 216hours
216 x 60 = 12,960minutes
12,960 x 60 = 777,600seconds


(Yes, a calculator was used, not done by my own mental calculations...)


toPher said...

gee... thanks for reminding me about going back to uni... sigh...

imissw said...

hey guys, look on the bright side - i'm IN uni now and wont be home for x'mas and new year!!!

enjoy the rest of the hols - and remember, the cup is half full, not not half empty! ;-)

toPher said...

yea i guess you're rite...
better start counting our blessing..