Thursday, February 18, 2010


I went dancing!

Not clubbing, dancing!

Like, one man one lady, swirling, twirling.

Its called Ceroc and is also referred to as 'Modern Jive'; a fusion of Salsa, Ballroom, Hip Hop, Tango and Jive.

The family friend I've been visiting has been doing it for 8years. Although I was extremely stressed and nervous to begin with, it was so much fun!

There was about 40 people in a hall, like our dewan serbaguna , and the instructors on a stage teach 3 or 4 moves and then there's time to dance/freestyle.
The beginners go to a separate area to practice the moves with the instructors and then are released back onto the dance floor.

I went twice - the first time mostly were old foggies, but the 2nd time had people in their 30's and 40's, 50's and 60's, and I even danced with a 72 year old!
He was very sweet...
Since I was a beginner, it limited what the experienced dancers could do, and every time i was asked to dance, I pointed to my Beginners sticker , just to make sure they were aware. However all of them were very nice and taught me new moves as we danced.

The men have the very important task of leading and thinking of each next move they want to make. The first week, I found that kinda hard to just go with the flow and my body was resisting. I was told over and over to just trust my partner and let him lead.

So the second time I relaxed, and its a wonderful feeling to be in the hands of a man who knows what he's doing.

1 comment:

imissw said...

that looks so fun!