Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In the news

In today's paper an article was screaming "read me!!!" I found it amusing enough to begin with, my interest fizzled out towards the middle but it was the last bit I'm glad I stuck out for.

Considering my recent 'copy & paste' chat post, I chuckled to myself when I saw the last few paragraphs...


Now, I can't say that these exact thoughts have never run through my mind before. They have, but the answer for now is: cannot!

There are some males I know with admirable qualities and if only I could like them, things would be simpler but....I don't and that's that. I think a number of my female friends feel the same way. The problem we have though is our pool of possibilities is very small, but by taking action to explore other options then puts us in the category of 'looking' or 'desperate', something we are definitely not. 'Open' is the word. If he comes, he comes if not, I've got my back up LKP plan.

Anyway, since this article is aimed at 30-something year olds with ticking biological clocks. I think I still have a good 10 years before alarm bells start ringing- if I want kids anyway.

Ask me again in 5 years...

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