Friday, January 08, 2010

1 step forward, 10 steps back

That is how I see my country at the moment.

I woke up to an sms saying that my church had a molotov cocktail thrown at it. Being 8 hours behind Malaysian time, I rushed to the computer to read up on what has been going on.

I hate irresponsible leaders.

God/Tuhan/Allah must be feeling pretty sad right now.


imissw said...

it's not the leaders in this case.

u surviving the sub-zero temps? take care!

queen shelby said...

Oh, I disagree...
I definitely blame crappy leaders for letting things get to this.

Should have nipped it in the bud long, long ago when the issue first came out, and the government should not have suspended the ruling.

Yeah, its getting really cold here. One night it was -13 degrees, and even in the day its between -2 and -8. My nose gets it the most as its the only exposed part when I'm outside...

You're brain still working alright?

imissw said...

well, the way i see it, the leaders can't control every maniac who wants to commit crime - even tho me no big fan of the leaders.

well, hopefully, the leaders can still do some good.

brain seemed to be alright - smell, hear, taste etc. but body feels weak.

Augustinian Successor said...

God will damn these bastards to hell.